SAPC Annual Conference

A trip to the seaside: Reflections on Brighton ASM 2023

One of my take-away thoughts from the SAPC annual scientific meeting in Preston last year was how great it was to see people again in real life. Although I think that most of us are spending a bit more time in the office, sitting in front of Microsoft Teams continues to account for a substantial proportion of our days. I for one certainly don’t need any excuse to get away from a screen. The opportunity to head off to the beach at Brighton to discuss academic matters with like-minded individuals at the SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting was therefore something I’ve been looking forward to for some...

2019 Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission deadline 17th February 2019 Submission is now closed this page is for information only The University of Exeter Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) is hosting the annual SAPC conference, which showcases the latest research and education in academic primary care. You can share your work through: Presentations: orals , posters and lightning talks - review criteria to submit a presentation abstract please set up a user account when prompted once you click on the submission form above Symposia - submission form and review criteria Interactive workshops - submission...