SAPC ASM 2022 - UCLan

50th Annual Scientific Meeting

4th to 6th July 2022 at University of Central Lancashire

50th Annual Scientific Meeting of the SAPC

Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th July 2022

Congratulations to the prize winners at SAPC ASM 2022

View the videos from the keynote sessions

Conference blogs:

DOI reference for abstracts and talks: 10.37361/asm.2022.1.1


Abstracts on-line Download the Abstract Book pdf

Publication date – 9th August 2022

Volume 1, Edition 1

Place of publication – – Oxford

Copyright belongs to the authors of the individual abstracts under the creative commons license


Presenters and chairs

Information for presenters in parallel sessions

Information for ePoster presenters

Guidance for parallel session co-chairs

Guidance for ePoster discussion facilitators

ePoster format info for poster presenters

 Abstract submission information

Venue and accommodation information can be found here

Theme: Recovery and Innovation

We look forward to welcoming you in person to SAPC's 50th Annual Scientific Meeting.

The dates for the SAPC ASM 2022 have been chosen carefully to avoid a direct clash with the ASME conference (6th-8th July) and WONCA Europe in London (28th June - 1st July).  

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) campus in Preston in 2022. Obviously subject to risk assessment, we are hoping to see everyone in person and there is so much to look forward to. 

This will be a special celebratory event, the 50th SAPC conference.  In addition to this special occasion and we are delighted that we are collaborating with ASME to organise a joint session between the two conferences on the morning of Wednesday 6th July.

The themes for the conference will focus on recovery and Innovation. 

Like life generally, research and education as we know it, has had to take a back seat over the last year but the response to the crisis has highlighted the tremendous resilience and ability to innovate (rather like the virtual conference this year) and we hope to capture examples of these at the conference. 

UCLan is unique in not only in having a medical and dental school but also school of ophthalmology, pharmacy, nursing  and soon a veterinary school along with a track record  of strong links with primary and social  care. 

We hope to provide a learning event fit for the occasion and opportunity to have some fun!

Donations to charity and helping 

At previous ASMs we have encouraged donations to charity and we would like to continue this at ASM 2022.  Please consider giving to your favourite charity or local charities/organisations that support those with learning disabilities, health inequalities and the homeless.  Homeless Aid operates in the North West. 

In addition if you wish to support tree planting and re-forestation in the UK please visit the Woodland Trust or Trees for Cities.  Or click here for worldwide projects.  If you wish to know more about what you can do to be greener in your practice visit the Greener Practice website.


Umesh Chauhan

SAPC ASM 2022 Chair




8th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture: Breaking the cycle of inequalities: Doing things differently in research and in primary care for people with a learning disability.
Diabetes, Covid and recovery
Undergraduate GP educational research: So what?
Today’s doctor is a generalist: opportunities and challenges for academic practice
Showing : |


Day 1 : Monday 4th July


10:30 Registration desks open

11:00-17:00 HOTs Heads of Teaching, break for lunch 12:30-14:00 (Education research SIG Tuesday 14:00)

12:45-15:30 HODs Heads of Departments

14:00-15:30 Mackenzie Group


Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings – please see the SIG’s page for details of contacts  

SIG session 1

  • Palliative care – Sarah Mitchell
  • Sexual and reproductive health – Richard Ma
  • Women’s health – Sharon Dixon/Sarah Hillman

SIG session 2

  • Cardiovascular - Chris Clark
  • PPI – Rebecca Morris
  • Quality and safety improvement in primary care – Peter Edwards/Ian Bennett-Britton

SIG session 3

  • Prescribing and medication optimisation - Ian Maidment/Rupert Payne
  • Digital technology – Helen Atherton
  • Learning disabilities and autism – Umesh Chauhan
  • Mental health – Katrina Turner/Carolyn Chew-Graham
  • Physical activity/Exercise as medicine – Emma Healey

The 8th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture

Breaking the cycle of inequalities: Doing things differently in research and in primary care for people with a learning disability.

Dr Amy M Russell



Welcome drinks and buffet

The Student Centre, University Square

43 Adelphi St, Fylde Rd, Preston PR1 7DP

Campus map orange zone building STU

Please make your own way there, the Student Centre

Food is provided so no need to dine out afterwards unless you wish to.

Day 2 : Tuesday 5th July


PHoCuS meeting (primary healthcare scientists) with coffee and pastries



HA Lecture Theatre

Chairs: Umesh Chauhan and Carolyn Chew-Graham

Opening address by Professor StJohn Crean, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise), Professor of Medicine in Dentistry

Congratulations from Clare Gerada and Martin Marshall, RCGP

Poetry reading by Sara McKelvie

09:20 Plenary 1

Diabetes, Covid and Recovery

Professor Kamlesh Khunti CBE, Professor of Primary Care Diabetes and Vascular Medicine University of Leicester

Most Distinguished Papers from AAAPC (Australisia) and NAPCRG (USA)

09:55 Australasian Association of Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) – winning presentation from the annual conference 2021

Shared decision support for patients. An antimicrobial stewardship strategy to promote appropriate antibiotic use in primary care

Dr Ruby Biezen, Melbourne

10:20 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) – winning presentation from the annual meeting 2021

Doctor-patient communication about blood tests: qualitative interview study in general practice

Jessica Watson, Bristol


Coffee and poster viewing



Coffee and poster viewing/discussion Harrington foyer  view the poster abstracts 

Discussion 11:00-11:15 at ePoster stations:

A Education - discussant Hugh Alberti

P1.1A.1 Hugh Alberti

P1.1A.2  Stacey Ringham

P1.1A.3 Heather Barry

B Optimising nutrition - discussant Akke Vellinga

P1.1B.1 Martha Elwenspoek

P1.1B.2 Carmel Wills

1A Postgraduate Education BB 08 Jo Protheroe and Hugh Alberti 7 talks
1A.1 How can GP registrars be supported to develop capabilities in community orientation? Jennifer Lang Full abstract
1A.2 Professional Identity Formation in Becoming a GP Trainer – Barriers and Enablers Dr Kevin McConville Full abstract
1A.2 Professional Identity Formation in Becoming a GP Trainer – Barriers and Enablers Kevin McConville Full abstract
1A.3 Does training in trauma informed care change healthcare providers’ and patients’ emotional and cognitive outcomes, or health? chloe gamlin Full abstract
1A.4 Enhancing generalist skills to support the primary care workforce in Humber Coast and Vale: The Catalyst programme Myriam Dell'Olio Full abstract
1A.5 Optimising the transition from selection to licensing in general practice Vanessa Botan Full abstract
1A.6 Capacity building of community health workers for multimorbidity management in indigenous, rural, and urban contexts in Odisha, India: a preliminary investigation using focus group discussions, free-listing, and ranking Jaya Singh Kshatri Full abstract
1B Antibiotics and Infections BB 09/12 Mike Moore and Abi Moore 6 talks
1B.1 Evaluation of a complex intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing for CHIldren presenting to primary care with acute COugh and respiratory tract infection: the CHICO randomised controlled trial Peter Blair Full abstract
1B.2 Antibiotic Stewardship: What outcomes should be measured in dentistry? Wendy Thompson Full abstract
1B.3 Intensive antibiotic prescribing and its association with resistant urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the community: a cross-sectional ecological UK primary care-based study Lucy McDonnell Full abstract
1B.4 Antibiotic effectiveness and risk of illness progression for children with lower respiratory infections presenting to primary care: prospective cohort study and trial Paul Little Full abstract
1B.5 Can D-Mannose prevent recurrent UTI? The MERIT (D-Mannose to prEvent Recurrent Urine InfecTions) randomised double blind placebo controlled trial Gail Hayward Full abstract
1B.6 What are clinician’s views and experiences of implementing a complex intervention to inform antibiotic prescribing in children with respiratory tract infections in primary care? Clare Clement Full abstract
1C Listening to the Workforce BB 016 Sharon Spooner and Gary Abel 6 talks
1C.1 Workload and workflow implications associated with the use of electronic risk assessment tools used by health professionals in general practice: a scoping review Gary Abel Full abstract
1C.2 How do GPs experience the menopause? Rebecca Wharry and Corie Herbert Full abstract
1C.3 Perspectives of GPs supporting young people who self-harm: a qualitative study Faraz Mughal Full abstract
1C.4 How are staff and patients supported to use online services in primary care? Findings from qualitative stakeholder interviews Bethan Treadgold Full abstract
1C.5 What are the views and experiences of primary care staff regarding patients having online access to their electronic primary care health record? Brian McMillan Full abstract
1C.6 Recruitment and retention of staff in rural dispensing practice (RETAIN) Rosina Cross Full abstract
1D Prevention and Risk 1 BB 015 Sudeh Cheraghi-Sohi and Jose M Valderas 6 talks
1D.1 Can simple or widely available factors be used to predict adverse outcomes in people with rheumatoid arthritis? Cross-sectional study of 5658 UK Biobank participants. Jordan Canning Full abstract
1D.2 WITHDRAWN - Predicting dementia risk using routine electronic health records. Catharine Morgan Full abstract
1D.3 Prediction of cardiovascular disease in patients with unattributed chest pain in UK primary care Kelvin Jordan Full abstract
1D.4 Bone Health Assessment in men and women with risk factors for fragility fractures Anup Pradhan Full abstract
1D.5 Face Masks whilst ExeRcIsing Trial (MERIT): a crossover randomised controlled study Nicholas Jones Full abstract
1D.6 TRial to Assess Implementation of New research in a primary care Setting (TRAINS): a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of an educational intervention to promote asthma prescription uptake in General Practitioner Practices Rami Alyami Full abstract
1E Service Innovation 1 BB 013 Chris Salisbury and Jess Watson 6 talks
1E.1 Primary care response to domestic violence and abuse in the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid mixed-methods analysis (PRECODE) Elizabeth Emsley Full abstract
1E.2 Facilitating access to online NHS primary care services a focused ethnography Stephanie Stockwell Full abstract
1E.3 The role and response of primary healthcare services in community end-of-life care during COVID-19: What can be learned and embedded to improve future care? Sarah Mitchell Full abstract
1E.4 Remote first in primary care during COVID-19: views and experiences of patients to inform future service development Jenny Downing Full abstract
1E.5 The Impact of COVID on a Rural Community GP Practice: A Qualitative Analysis Jennifer Deane Full abstract
1E.6 Improving access to child and adolescent mental health services during the pandemic and beyond Gaurav Menon Full abstract
1F Workshop BB 019 1 talk
1F.1 The future of self care in the 21st century NHS Facilitators: David Mummery and Austen El Osta Full abstract

LUNCH and poster viewing/discussion  

Discussion 13:00-13:20 at ePoster stations:

A Patient experience - discussant Ian Maidment

P1.2A.1  Edith F Chikumbu

P1.2A.2 John Broughan

P1.2A.3 Georgia Smith

P1.2A.4 Eleanor Southgate

B Improving long term care - discussant Clare Taylor

P1.2B.1 Clare Taylor

P1.2B.2 Steph Taylor

P1.2B.3 Liza Bowen

P1.2B.4 Mariam Sewaha

Discussion 13:30-13.40 - discussant Emma Healey

A Musculoskeletal

P1.2C.1 Kate Henry

P1.2C.2 Karen Wood

2A Digital Impact BB 08 Helen Atherton and Jo Parsons 9 talks
2A.1 Can online interventions supporting eczema self-management for young people and parents/carers of children with eczema lead to improved outcomes? Two randomised-controlled trials with process evaluations. Miriam Santer Full abstract
2A.2 Do people with type 2 diabetes enrol and engage with a mobile phone-based text message intervention to improve effective use of their medication? Cassandra Kenning Full abstract
2A.3 Supporting self-management of low back pain with an internet intervention in primary care: The SupportBack 2 randomised controlled trial Adam W A Geraghty Full abstract
2A.4 Established integrated SMS communication in primary care: patterns of use and perceptions of utility Shaine Mehta Full abstract
2A.5 Increasing influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in Australian general practice using automatic SMS and printed patient reminders: a non-randomised feasibility study David Gonzalez Full abstract
2A.6 Co-designed online support for people and their families after a diagnosis of dementia: Forward with dementia Jane Wilcock Full abstract
2A.7 Evaluating the implementation of audio abstracts for scientific journal dissemination: a mixed-methods study Angela Huang Full abstract
2A.8 Unintended consequences of patient online access to health records: a qualitative study in UK primary care Jeremy Horwood Full abstract
2A.9 Co-designing an Adaption of a Mobile Application to Enhance Communication, Safety, and Well-being Among People Living at Home with Mild Dementia Sudeh Cheraghi-Sohi Full abstract
2B Inequalities 1 BB 09/12 Umesh Chauhan and Emma Healey 9 talks
2B.1 Burden of Impaired Oral health in people with severe mental illness: results from UK Biobank and NHANES population based studies Vishal Aggarwal Full abstract
2B.2 Deep lessons from ‘The Deep End’ – a community perspective on the barriers and facilitators to inclusive research. Kate Fryer Full abstract
2B.3 Ethnic inequalities in age-related patterns of multiple long-term conditions in the UK: analysis of primary care and self-reported data Brenda Hayanga Full abstract
2B.4 What was the impact of Covid-19 on primary care in prisons in England? Krysia Canvin Full abstract
2B.5 “Gonnae please help me, it’s something that ah injected misel wi. Gonnae help me, am scared am gonnae die tonigh.” What aspects of support are perceived as most significant in order to prevent drug overdose in people who experience homelessness? Natalia Farmer Full abstract
2B.6 How can the use of urate-lowering therapy for gout by Pacific people in New Zealand be improved? A co-design project Felicity Goodyear-Smith Full abstract
2B.7 Inequalities in the incidence and management of non-valvular atrial fibrillation in England, 2009 to 2019: cohort study using electronic health records from general practices Alyaa Ajabnoor Full abstract
2B.8 The lived experience of Long COVID in ethnic minorities in the UK: A Qualitative Systematic Review George Agbakoba Full abstract
2B.9 What does relationship-based, holistic care look like for South Asian men with long-term conditions experiencing emotional distress? Hassan Awan Full abstract
2C Consultations and Workforce BB 016 Carolyn Chew-Graham and Helen Rainford 9 talks
2C.1 Can a digital 'open and close' intervention improve general practice consultations? Chris Salisbury Full abstract
2C.2 What are primary care professionals’ views on remote consulting during the COVID-19 pandemic and how has it impacted on service delivery for people with asthma? Flora Flinn Full abstract
2C.3 What is it about paramedics working in general practice that works (or doesn’t work)? A rapid realist review. Hannah Stott Full abstract
2C.4 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of the ReSPECT process: which patients received a ReSPECT form, what was documented, and what were the patient outcomes? Adam McDermott Full abstract
2C.5 Associations of Burnout with the Career Engagement of Physicians and the Quality of Patient Care Alex Hodkinson Full abstract
2C.6 Understanding patient views and experiences of the IDENTIfication of PALLiative care needs: a qualitative investigation (IDENTI-Pall) Isabel Leach Full abstract
2C.7 Does Evergreen Life’s combination of digital personal health record with access to health services improve users’ health outcomes? Jack Higgins Full abstract
2C.8 What are the drivers and population health outcomes associated with persistent high GP turnover in English general practices? Rosa Parisi Full abstract
2C.9 Running an asthma prescribing Quality Improvement (QI) programme during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned Anna De Simoni Full abstract
2D Long Term Conditions 1 BB 015 Tom Blakeman and Brian McMillan 9 talks
2D.1 The Association between Multimorbidity and Out-Of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure among Community-Dwelling Adults: findings from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) James Larkin Full abstract
2D.2 Mitigating the psychological impacts of COVID-19 restrictions in older people with long-term conditions: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability Leanne Shearsmith Full abstract
2D.3 ALLIANCE (Quality Family Planning Services and Referrals in Community Pharmacy: Expanding Pharmacists’ Scope of Practice): A protocol for a stepped-wedge trial Danielle Mazza Full abstract
2D.4 Stroke incidence and competing risks for people with heart failure and atrial fibrillation in primary care: cohort study Nicholas Jones Full abstract
2D.5 Can we measure frailty in trials for dementia and mild cognitive impairment? Heather Wightman Full abstract
2D.6 Integrating care for hypertension, diabetes and HIV in Africa: toolkit development and content Geoff McCombe Full abstract
2D.7 How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected people with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Musculoskeletal pain? Karen Wood Full abstract
2D.8 Optimising referrals from primary care to renal clinics. Findings from a Welsh population study Bhautesh Jani Full abstract
2D.9 Liver disease management as routine in primary care? A qualitative interview study to guide implementation Helen Jarvis Full abstract
2E Recovery and Innovation including Creative Pieces BB 013 George Freeman and Louise Younie 6 talks
2E.1 CREATIVE PIECE: The Power of Human Connection in Healing. Sivakami Sibi Full abstract
2E.2 CREATIVE PIECE: From coMforT to Hard Evidence: a collaborative approach to using creative mediums in developing and disseminating research Noreen Hopewell-Kelly Full abstract
2E.3 CREATIVE PIECE: Resilience/Burnout and Recovery/Renewal: 2 poems and reflection Sara McKelvie Full abstract
2E.4 Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on referrals to musculoskeletal services from primary care and subsequent incidence of inflammatory arthropathies: an observational study of UK national primary care electronic health records Claire Burton Full abstract
2E.5 A realist synthesis of non-pharmacological interventions for antipsychotic-induced weight gain in people with severe mental illness (RESOLVE): incorporating experts-by-experience stakeholders Ian Maidment Full abstract
2E.6 Mental health and alcohol use among patients attending a post-COVID-19 follow-up clinic: A cohort study. John Broughan Full abstract
2F Workshop BB 019 1 talk
2F.1 How do we meaningfully involve people in primary care research from marginalised communities? Rebecca Morris, Kelly Howells, Kay Gallacher, Jo Brown, Mat Amp Full abstract
2G Workshop HA Lecture Theatre 1 talk
2G.1 Education Research Workshop Facilitator: Sophie Park Full abstract

Tea and poster viewing/discussion 

Discussion 15:40-15:50 at ePoster stations:

A Cancer screening - discussant Nicola Cooper-Moss

P1.3A.1 Nicola Cooper-Moss

P1.3A.2 Leonard Callus

B Burnout - discussant Orla Whitehead

P1.3B.1 Finlay Anderson

P1.3B.2 Orla Whitehead

3A Education 2 BB 08 Sophie Park and Helen Miles 6 talks
3A.1 Specific learning difficulties (SpLDs) differently affect performance on written compared to clinical general practice licensing tests: cohort study Vanessa Botan Full abstract
3A.2 Suicide-related attitudes of pharmacy teams in primary care in England in response to a video intervention Hayley Gorton Full abstract
3A.3 Clinical supervision during the integration of Advanced Clinical Practitioners into General Practice teams: a realist evaluation. Benjamin Jackson Full abstract
3A.4 Trainee Associate Psychological Practitioner (T/APP) working in General Practice settings to meet mental health need. The pilot year evaluation. Miranda Budd Full abstract
3A.5 GP trainers’ perceptions of their learning needs: supporting trainees for the MRCGP clinical examination Israr Khan Full abstract
3A.6 Capacity building models for managing multimorbidity in LMICs: a systematic review Sanghamitra Pati Full abstract
3B Safer Prescribing BB 09/12 Sarah Alderson and Patrick Redmond 6 talks
3B.1 Safety of colchicine or NSAID prophylaxis when initiating allopurinol for gout: propensity score-matched cohort studies Richard Partington Full abstract
3B.2 Prescribing cascades in community-dwelling adults: a systematic review Emma Wallace Full abstract
3B.3 The association between antihypertensive treatment and serious adverse events by age and frailty: an observational cohort study of 3.8 million patients followed up for a decade James Sheppard Full abstract
3B.4 Prescribing trends in older patients with multimorbidity and significant polypharmacy recruited to the SPPiRE trial Caroline McCarthy Full abstract
3B.5 Understanding the medication safety issues for patients with mental illness in primary care: a scoping review Matthew J Ayre Full abstract
3B.6 Large-scale Helicobacter pylori eradication aspirin trial (HEAT): results of a real-world outcomes trial in primary care Michael Moore Full abstract
3C Prevention and Risk 2 BB 016 David Blane and Jess Drinkwater 6 talks
3C.1 A universal preventative approach to mental health in community settings Miranda Budd Full abstract
3C.2 Assessment of osteoporosis risk in men with prostate cancer receiving androgen-deprivation-therapy: a cross-sectional descriptive study using a primary care audit database Qizhi Huang Full abstract
3C.3 Neural respiratory drive among patients with COPD with mild or moderate airflow limitation: consistency, reliability, and association with other biomarkers Timothy Harries Full abstract
3C.4 Public perceptions of risk of COVID-19 infection and transmission in the community: a longitudinal qualitative study Alishba Kashif Full abstract
3C.5 Perceptions of Australian general practitioners on e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid Melis Selamoglu Full abstract
3C.6 Can an extended lifestyle score predict adverse outcomes in people with rheumatoid arthritis? Cross-sectional study of 5295 UK Biobank participants. Jordan Canning Full abstract
3D Research Methods BB 015 Julia Hiscock and Fiona Wood 6 talks
3D.1 Perspectives on the production, and use, of rapid evidence in decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic- a mixed methods study Andrew W Murphy Full abstract
3D.2 Involving patients in patient safety: is a co-designed multi-component intervention to involve patients and carers in patient safety feasible and acceptable? Rebecca Lauren Morris Full abstract
3D.3 Opportunities and challenges of meta-reviews encountered whilst conducing a meta-review of ‘Optimal Interventions for Perinatal Anxiety (PNA) in Primary Care’. Victoria Silverwood Full abstract
3D.4 The International Survey of People Living with Chronic Conditions (PaRIS survey): development of the conceptual framework and patient questionnaire Jose M Valderas Full abstract
3D.5 The development and validation of population clusters for integrating health and social care: A mixed-methods study on Multiple Long-Term Conditions Glenn Simpson Full abstract
3D.6 Can we use Serious Adverse Events to assess representativeness of randomised controlled trials? An observational analysis using aggregate and individual-level data from clinical trials and routine healthcare data Peter Hanlon Full abstract
3E Priorities in Women's health BB 013 Sarah Hillman and Sharon Dixon 5 talks
3E.1 EMPOWER Exploring & Mapping PriOrities for Women’s health technology, Equipment, kit, devices, and pRoducts Sharon Dixon Full abstract
3E.2 The Australian Contraception and Abortion Primary Care Practitioner Support (AusCAPPS) Network: A protocol for delivering and evaluating an online community of practice Danielle Mazza Full abstract
3E.3 The ORIENT trial: protocol for evaluating the effect of a nurse-led model on contraception and medical abortion access in Australian rural & regional general practice Danielle Mazza Full abstract
3E.4 A systematic review of the effectiveness of preconception interventions in primary care Danielle Mazza Full abstract
3E.5 Epidemiology and microbiological features associated with greater risk of recurrent urinary tract infection Maria Vazquez-Montes Full abstract
3F Workshop BB 019 1 talk
3F.1 More unequal than before? Access to general practice in a time of remote consultations and digital primary care. Jo Parsons, Helen Atherton, Gary Abel Full abstract

Guided walk of Winckley Square and Avenham and Miller Parks.

17:10 meet at the registration desk in Harrington.  The walk will finish at the Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre, Marsh Lane, PR1 2HE - campus map blue zone building STF

Distance: 3.5 km - please wear comfortable shoes. 

The walk will include Winckley Square, which is one of the finest examples of a Georgian squares in the North West and the Victorian Avenham and Miller Parks designed and created by Edward Milner during the 1860s. Avenham Park, together with Miller Park, is probably one of the best surviving examples of his work today.


Conference dinner

The Ivory Tower, Corn Exchange, Lune Street PR1 2NL

Please make your own way to the Ivory Tower, it is located above Bar Restaurant 1842 at the Corn Exchange and approximately 15 minutes’ walk from Harrington Building.

Drinks on arrival, a three course meal with wine followed by coffee. 

Entertainment from the magnificent “Dame” Burley Chassis and dancing afterwards to the Soul Convicts.

Dress as you wish

Day 3 : Wednesday 6th July


Yoga session - Are You Mind Body Aware? Discover Yoga for Your Wellbeing. at The Sir Tom Finney Sports Centre

Places limited so please sign up at the registration desk

4A Undergraduate education: innovating for the next generation BB 08 Joe Rosenthal and Ben Jackson 8 talks
4A.1 ‘Educational change in a crisis; what has changed and what is here to stay in undergraduate teaching and learning in General Practice.’ Karen Kyne Full abstract
4A.2 Supporting medical students towards future careers in general practice: a quantitative study of Irish medical schools Andrew W. Murphy Full abstract
4A.3 Exploring teacher and learner experiences of the University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS) 2018 undergraduate general practice curriculum Helen Rogers Full abstract
4A.4 Can a student-led teaching intervention improve student and staff understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and health-related issues in undergraduate medicine? Marina Politis, Richeldis France & Ethan Wilson (co-presenters) Full abstract
4A.5 What do medical students learn? What are medical students taught about Persistent Physical Symptoms? A scoping review of the literature Catie Nagel Full abstract
4A.6 ‘A drive to make change’ - Exploring the views and experiences of medical students engaging in advocacy: a qualitative study. Mehika Sood Full abstract
4A.7 Extended GP placements in final year - why do students choose them? Lloyd Thompson Full abstract
4A.8 Medical student attitudes towards General Practice resulting from UK media portrayal of GP during the COVID-19 pandemic Erin Lawson-Smith Full abstract
4B Cancer BB 09/12 Nicola Cooper-Moss and Clare Taylor 8 talks
4B.1 Early cancer diagnosis – can outcomes in deprived areas be improved by involving community pharmacists? Judit Konya Full abstract
4B.2 Exploring the impact of significant others on men on the active surveillance pathway for prostate cancer: a qualitative interview dyad study Hazel Everitt Full abstract
4B.3 ThinkCancer! Feasibility trial - to phase 3 or not phase 3? Alun Surgey Full abstract
4B.4 Patient views about early diagnosis and prevention of breast cancer Mohamed Hamed Full abstract
4B.5 Provider perceptions of interventions to encourage prevention and early diagnosis of cancer after a negative diagnosis Suzanne Scott Full abstract
4B.6 What is the evidence behind cancer care reviews, a British primary care cancer support tool? A scoping review Dipesh Gopal Full abstract
4B.7 Musculoskeletal pain and its impact on rates of hospitalisation and mortality in cancer: a linked electronic health record cohort study (MSKCOM) Kayleigh Mason Full abstract
4B.8 WITHDRAWN - Designing a decision aid for cancer prevention Shakira Milton Full abstract
4C Inequalities 2 BB 016 Euan Lawson and Faraz Mughal 9 talks
4C.1 Can a novel Pharmacist independent prescriber/third sector homeless charity outreach intervention help prevent overdose in people experiencing homelessness (PEH)? Andrew McPherson Full abstract
4C.2 Access to primary care for people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic Kelly Howells Full abstract
4C.3 What is the uptake of, and attitude to the COVID-19 vaccination among asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol? Anna Gordon Full abstract
4C.4 What is the treatment burden for people experiencing homelessness with a recent non-fatal overdose? Caitlin Jones Full abstract
4C.5 Hairdressing salons to promote an NHS educational online application to increase awareness of breast cancer screening among women in London’s deprived and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods: a feasibility study Maham Zaman Full abstract
4C.6 Variation of prescription drug prices in community pharmacies: A national cross-sectional study James Larkin Full abstract
4C.7 Ethnic inequalities in multiple long-term health conditions in the United Kingdom: a systematic review and narrative synthesis Brenda Hayanga Full abstract
4C.8 Recognition and management of acute functional decline in older people living in care homes: a qualitative interview study with UK care home staff Abigail Moore Full abstract
4C.9 Integrating Hepatitis C Care for opioid substitution treatment patients attending general practice: Feasibility, Clinical and Cost Effectiveness Geoff McCombe Full abstract
4D Long Term Conditions 2 BB 015 Rupert Payne and Steph Taylor 9 talks
4D.1 Epidemiology of Multimorbidity in Africa: Findings from community studies in three countries Bhautesh Jani Full abstract
4D.2 Identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care in a developing country: is it feasible? Hasidah Abdul-Hamid Full abstract
4D.3 Supported self-management for all with musculoskeletal pain: an inclusive approach to intervention development. Emma Healey Full abstract
4D.4 Exploring the impact of comorbidities on cancer stage at diagnosis and 30 day mortality; a retrospective cohort study Gary Abel Full abstract
4D.5 Enhancing the management of Long COVID in general practice: a scoping review. John Broughan Full abstract
4D.6 What is the prevalence, trajectory, and clinical implications of frailty in people with COPD? Peter Hanlon Full abstract
4D.7 Self-monitoring of blood pressure following a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TASMIN5S): a randomised controlled trial cut short by covid-19. Richard McManus Full abstract
4D.8 Multimorbidity in Latin American migrants of Lambeth – a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records Mark Ashworth Full abstract
4D.9 Preliminary process evaluation findings for the Fracture in the Elderly Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation - Phase III (FEMuR III) randomised controlled trial (RCT), a community-based Rehabilitation package following hip fracture. Penny Ralph Full abstract
4E Service Innovation 2 BB 013 Greg Irving and Myriam Dell'Olio 9 talks
4E.1 GP-MATE - A co-production approach to improving primary care patient safety after older people are discharged from hospital Rachel Spencer Full abstract
4E.2 A systematic review of the effectiveness of link workers providing social prescribing on health outcomes and costs for adults in primary care and community settings Bridget Kiely Full abstract
4E.3 Trauma-informed care in UK: where are we? A qualitative study of health policies and professional perspectives Elizabeth Emsley Full abstract
4E.4 Clinical Advice and Guidance services in the NHS in England – what are primary care staff and commissioner perspectives on uptake, outcomes, barriers and opportunities? Alison Janes Full abstract
4E.5 System-wide approach to improving hypertension in Primary Care Aseem Mishra Full abstract
4E.6 What is the contribution of Community First Responders to rural Emergency Medical Service provision in the UK? Vanessa Botan Full abstract
4E.7 Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-Harm (COPESS): a feasibility trial Anna Hunt Full abstract
4E.8 Changing mifepristone to a normal prescription: effect on primary care abortion provision Wendy V. Norman Full abstract
4E.9 WITHDRAWN - Which interventions are effective at decreasing or increasing hospital attendances or hospital admissions from care homes? A systematic review Ben Searle Full abstract
4F Workshop BB 019 1 talk
4F.1 Mid-Career Solution Room Sarah Alderson and Rebecca Morris Full abstract

Coffee and poster viewing/discussion 

10:40-10:50 at ePoster stations:

A Patient access - discussant Gary Abel

P1.4A.1 Zainab Laheri

P1.4A.2 Gary Abel

B Prescribing - discussant Rupert Payne

P1.4B.1 Martine Nurek

P1.4B.2 Malcolm Irons


SAPC - 50 years of ASMs and joint session with ASME

Chairs: Carolyn Chew-Graham and Umesh Chauhan


11:00 Celebrating 50 years of Annual Scientific Meetings

Carolyn Chew-Graham and George Freeman


11:10 SAPC/ASME Joint session Innovation in education

How to join in the Q&A via Vevox 

11:10 Today’s doctor is a generalist: opportunities and challenges for academic practice

Professor Joanne Reeve, Professor of Primary Care at Hull York Medical School

11:45 Education and Primary Care

Dr Hugh Alberti, Sub Dean for Primary and Community Care, in the School of Medical Education at Newcastle University

12:20 ASME winning presentation in primary care

Surfacing the delivery of Year 3 undergraduate teaching in the context of a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC): Cardiff School of Medicine Community and Rural Education Route (CARER)

Catherine Chapman, University of Cardiff

12:30 SAPC winning presentation in education

What is the impact of online community-based multi-disciplinary team simulation, on inter-professional educational competencies, in undergraduate students?

Helen Miles and Abhi Jones, UCLan 



13:00-13:50 SAPC update and AGM Harrington Lecture Theatre, packed lunch available near the Lecture Theatre entrace


5A Inequalities 3 BB 08 Kate O'Donnell and Rebecca Morris 9 talks
5A.1 High prevalence of echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy and mortality in South Asians in the UK: E-ECHOES community study Eduard Shantsila Full abstract
5A.2 What are the primary care experiences and health and healthcare outcomes for transgender and non-binary adults in England? Analysis of data from the 2021 GP Patient Survey Catherine Saunders Full abstract
5A.3 Promoting nurse-led behaviour change to prevent cardiovascular disease in disadvantaged communities: A scoping review John Broughan Full abstract
5A.4 Feasibility of a Targeted Intensive Community-based campaign To Optimise vague Cancer (TIC-TOC) symptom awareness and help-seeking in an area of high socioeconomic deprivation Eleanor Clarke Full abstract
5A.5 How do we make trials equitable and inclusive? Tanvi Rai Full abstract
5A.6 How prepared are hairdressing salons and GP practices for working in partnership to promote the uptake of cardiovascular disease screening among women living in London’s deprived and ethnically dense communities? Tethi Patel Full abstract
5A.7 What is the effect of frailty in combination with loneliness or social isolation on all-cause mortality in the UK Biobank? Marina Politis Full abstract
5A.8 Understanding the experiences of parents of children with disabilities interactions with general practice: A systematic review. Nicky Thomas Full abstract
5A.9 Childhood health and educational disadvantage is associated with adult multimorbidity in the Global South: findings from a cross-sectional analysis of nationally representative surveys in India and Brazil Srikanta Kanungo Full abstract
5B Consultations and Workforce 2 BB 09/12 Duncan Shrewsbury and Suzanne Richards 9 talks
5B.1 Barriers and facilitators to the use of personal information documents in health and social care settings for people living with dementia: a systematic review and thematic synthesis Fiona Wood Full abstract
5B.2 Optimising person-centred primary care: the need for epistemic reciprocity Myriam Dell'Olio Full abstract
5B.3 Public perceptions and experiences of GP remote consultations during the pandemic: longitudinal qualitative findings from the COVID-19 Cancer Attitudes and Behaviours Study Harriet Quinn-Scoggins Full abstract
5B.4 Understanding the roles and work of paramedics in primary care: A national cross-sectional survey Georgette Eaton Full abstract
5B.5 Understanding GP Burnout and broken spirits Orla Whitehead Full abstract
5B.6 Patient Experience of Remote GP Consultations in Relation to Multimorbidity and Socioeconomic Status Dr Anna Evans Full abstract
5B.7 Community Pharmacy and General Practice collaborative and integrated working: a realist review Emily Owen. Full abstract
5B.8 Investigating Clinical Excellence Awards (INCEA): how do current assessors and other key stakeholders define and score excellence? Qualitative interviews study Bethan Treadgold Full abstract
5B.9 Remote consultations in primary care during covid-19: Views and experiences of healthcare professionals and patients Victoria Appleton Full abstract
5C Long Term Conditions 3 BB 016 Richard McManus and Hassan Arwan 8 talks
5C.1 Hows does treatment burden change over time among people with multimorbidity? A follow-up survey and evaluation of a single-item measure Simon DS Fraser Full abstract
5C.2 Withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids from COPD patients with mild or moderate airflow limitation in primary care: feasibility trial reveals high prevalence of suspected undiagnosed asthma Timothy Harries Full abstract
5C.3 Adaptation and content validation of a patient-reported measure of treatment burden for use in stroke survivors (PETS-stroke): results of a qualitative cognitive interview study Karen Wood Full abstract
5C.4 What is the prevalence and clinical implications of frailty in middle-aged people with COPD? Peter Hanlon Full abstract
5C.5 COVID-19 and impact on people living with persistent pain and distress Noureen Shivji Full abstract
5C.6 Severe mental illness among adults with atopic eczema or psoriasis: UK population-based matched cohort studies Elizabeth Adesanya Full abstract
5C.7 How effective are educational, behavioural, and cognitive interventions for adults with chronic migraine? Aiva Aksentyte, Natasha Davies Full abstract
5C.9 Addressing distress in people with persistent musculoskeletal pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development. Adam W A Geraghty Full abstract
5D Quality in Prescribing BB 015 Ian Maidment and Rachel Spencer 9 talks
5D.1 GP Practice Variation in Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Middle-Aged Adults: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Reeza Khan Full abstract
5D.2 Process evaluation of the SPPiRE trial: a GP delivered medication review of polypharmacy, deprescribing and patient priorities in older people with multimorbidity Caroline McCarthy Full abstract
5D.3 Systematic review of clinical practice guidelines for acne vulgaris published between January 2017 and July 2021 Louise Corcoran Full abstract
5D.4 An external pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a theory-based intervention to improve appropriate polypharmacy in older people in primary care (PolyPrime) Carmel Hughes Full abstract
5D.5 The association between continuity of primary care and both initiation and adherence of common cardiovascular medications Rupert Payne Full abstract
5D.6 Does a feedback intervention support practices in improving prescribing for older people with reduced creatinine clearance? A feasibility study. Su Wood Full abstract
5D.7 Association of GP Burnout with increased Prescribing of Strong Opioids and Antibiotics Alex Hodkinson Full abstract
5D.8 Validation of a framework to support the design and evaluation of pharmacy-led medicines optimisation in care homes: a mixed methods online survey Rosie Dunn Full abstract
5D.9 Do pharmacists actively influence prescribing in UK general practice? An online survey Mary Carter Full abstract
5E Service Innovation 3 BB 013 Joanne Reeve and Peter Edwards 9 talks
5E.1 Exploring the views of Point of Care Ultrasound practitioners for widespread implementation in community settings in the UK Joseph Akanuwe Full abstract
5E.2 The impact of practice research activity on patient and practice outcomes Jon Gibson Full abstract
5E.3 How do Community First Responders contribute to rapid emergency response and recovery? Viet-Hai Phung Full abstract
5E.4 How does opioid deprescribing in primary care affect community pharmacists? Louise Wilson Full abstract
5E.5 GP Perspectives on Enhancing Integrated Care at the GP-Hospital Interface: A Pilot Delphi Consensus Study Geoff McCombe Full abstract
5E.6 Pharmacist-led medication reviews for older care home residents: Are we delivering person-centred care? Rachel Lewis Full abstract
5E.7 What Human Factors issues are contributing to unsafe primary care in England and Wales? A national analysis of 64,347 patient safety incident reports Thomas Purchase Full abstract
5E.8 Do group-delivered interventions improve control of high blood pressure in hypertension? Sinead TJ McDonagh Full abstract
5E.9 Guidance for primary care practitioners on the safe detection and management of milk allergy in children. Hilary Allen Full abstract
5F Workshop BB 019 1 talk
5F.1 Humanising the virtual experience Louise Younie and Rofique Ali Full abstract

Tea and poster viewing/discussion 

15:40-15:50 at ePoster stations:

A Improving access to care - discussant Sara McKelvie

P1.5A.1 Geoff McCombe

P1.5A.2  Sundus Dawoud



HA Lecture Theatre

Chairs: Rupert Payne and Duncan Shrewsbury

SAPC/RCGP Awards for Outstanding Early Career Researcers

Joint winners of the GP award

16:05 Understanding advocacy in general practice: learning from the Deep End

David Blane, Glasgow

16:15 Pharmacist-prescriber partnerships in South African primary care

Oliver van Hecke, Oxford

16:25 Q&A

SAPC doctoral prize winners

16:35 The diagnostic utility of inflammatory markers in primary care: a mixed methods study

Jessica Watson, Bristol

16:40 Understanding Access to General Practice

Jennifer Voorhees, Manchester

16:45 Q&A

16:50 SAPC/RCGP elective prize winners 2021

Just a GP 

Ellie Read and David Simmonds, SGUL



Closing remarks

ASM 2023


University of Central Lancashire

Registration will take place in the Harrington Building on UCLan's Preston Campus. Address: Harrington Building, Victoria Street, Preston PR1 7QS

View SAPC ASM 2022 venues in Google Maps



Campus map - download here

Visit the Preston Campus page and keep scrolling down for "How to find us"

Recommended taxis: Miller tel: 01772 884000

Hotel and student accommodation - click here

Car parking

If you are driving to UCLan parking is available in car park 9, Fylde Road PR1 2XN, in the green zone of the campus map.  Tickets can be purchased when you register on-line or later if you have already registered - click here.  A permit must be displayed.

In and around Preston

Food and drink

Preston - links to city centre maps (note the Harris Museum is closed for a number of years for refurbishment)

Visit Preston

Social Events

Welcome drinks and buffet Monday 4th July (18.30-20.00) at the Student Centre, University Square, Preston

Conference dinner Tuesday 5th July (19.30-midnight) at The Ivory Tower, Corn Market Building, Preston

Conference team