An Early Career Researchers' Solution Room

Talk Code: 
Jo Butterworth, Jess Drinkwater, Adam Grice, Rebecca Morris
Author institutions: 
Jo Butterworth, University of Exeter Jess Drinkwater, Adam Grice, University of Leeds Rebecca Morris, University of Manchester



  • Attendees come prepared to discuss one pressing career-related question/concern each in small break-out groups.

Expert panel

  • An ‘expert advisory panel’ are invited to attend. (Proposed panel of mid-career or senior researchers, two from clinical backgrounds and two non-clinical.)

The panel will come prepared to introduce themselves and to aid facilitation of small groups but mostly to provide the answers (“solutions”) to the most common/pressing questions/concerns at the end of the session.


Workshop organisers will inform the panel of the concerns that are likely to be raised, based on experiences from the 2019 workshop.

The workshop

5 mins                         Introduction from workshop organisers

                                    Introductions from the panel

                                    Organisers provide an explanation of the task


20 mins                       Small groups breakouts and scribing of individual problems.

                                    Scribed problems are made available for whole workshop to view (using IT facilities available).

The group nominates a spokesperson who summarises each breakout group’s main questions/concerns to the whole workshop.


15 mins                       The panel take it in turns to describe their own inspirational career pathways – 3 mins each.

                                    (Meanwhile the organisers amalgamate the small group questions and prioritise them to present to the panel).


15 mins                       Questions/concerns are answered by the panel.


5 mins                         Signposting for any unanswered questions
