SAPC ASM 2021 - virtual

49th annual scientific meeting

30th June and 1st July 2021

The 49th annual scientific meeting of the SAPC was a virtual meeting.

Wednesday 30th June and Thursday 1st July 2021

The scientific programme was chaired and created by our "host" team at University of Leeds.

Prize winners

Congratulations to the prize winners

Publication of accepted abstracts and DOI number

Abstracts on-line or Abstract book - download

Presenter index - download

Download the programme in pdf


DOI reference: 10.37361/asm.2021.1.1


Copyright belongs to the authors of the individual abstracts under the creative commons licence

7th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture and SAPC ASM 2021 keynotes

View these presentations on YouTube 


Introducing the SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting

Information for poster presenters

Information for presenters in parallel sessions

Preparing to attend the virtual ASM



We are delighted that West Yorkshire R&D have offered bursaries to cover the registration fees for up to 10 attendees working in primary care in West Yorkshire.  SAPC is also offering bursaries of £50 to primary healthcare scientist (PHoCuS) members of SAPC who are first time attenders.

More about the bursaries

New at the ASM 2021

  • Family friendly hours
  • Meet on-line - we are working with a professional virtual platform provider to create a dynamic virtual conference experience featuring: 
    • Networking with fellow delegates: one to one and in groups
    • "Super" posters: presenters can upload a short video and handouts - dedicated discussion times and opportunities to send queries to authors at any time
    • Pre-recorded or live presentations for oral presenters - you can choose
    • Catch up with recordings of keynotes or parallel sessions you may have missed and view posters at any time (for registered delegates only)
    • The platform is very user-friendly, lots of guidance will be provided and you will be able to familiarise yourself with it in the week before the conference 

We look forward to welcoming you.

Richard Neal, Scientific Programme Chair

Suzanne Richards, Committee Chair

Carolyn Chew-Graham, SAPC Chair

Abstract submission is closed

The deadline was 28th February 2021.  Enquiries

Thank you to everyone who submitted presentations, workshops and creative pieces.  Authors were notified of the outcome on 5th May 2021.  

Did you submit an abstract?

Thank you to everyone who submitted presentations, workshops and creative pieces.  Authors were notified on 5th May, please email quoting your submission ID number if you have not yet received your email notification.  

For information - call for Abstracts 2021


Weds 30th June 7th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture "Life's hard and then you die: End of life priorities within the homeless population"
Weds 30th June: "Living Well: is primary prevention practical and desirable in general practice?’
Weds 30th June: "parkrun: health and happiness for everyone"
Thurs 1st July: co-presenter "Innovations in undergraduate education"
Thurs 1st July: co-presenter "Innovations in undergraduate education"
Thurs 1st July: co-presenter "Innovations in undergraduate education"
Thurs 1st July: "The tension between needing to improve care and knowing how to do it"
Thurs 1st July: "End of life care: bridging the evidence-policy gap"
Showing : |


Day 1 : Wednesday 30th June


How to create your own itinerary with this schedule

When you are in the platform you can create a personal schedule there too.


Poster session 1: discussion and viewing Poster list (all posters will be available to view throughout the conference in the Poster Gallery on the virtual platform)

Visit the exhibition 


Networking shuffle (if you choose to join these are 4 minute meetings to chat with 3 other randomly selected participants)


Welcome and introduction session


7th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture by Dr Wendy Ann Webb "Life's hard and then you die: End of life priorities within the homeless population"




Keynote session 1

Professor Paul Aveyard "Living Well: is primary prevention practical and desirable in general practice?"

Tom Williams "parkrun: health and happiness for everyone"



1A Undergraduate Education 1 Joe Rosenthal, Sophie Park 7 talks
1A.1 Establishing primary care network placements in a new medical school. Catherine Neden Full abstract
1A.2 Progress with ScotGEM, the first rural generalist focused UG programme in the UK Jon Dowell Full abstract
1A.3 Supervisory clinics in undergraduate GP placements: embodied learning through active participation Sophie Park Full abstract
1A.4 Virtual Primary Care learning: Sticking plaster or permanent suture for remote learning following COVID-19? Jonathan Mills Full abstract
1A.5 Clinical reasoning teaching and learning in the undergraduate primary care medical education Nur Faraheen Binti Abdul Rahman Full abstract
1A.6 How is technology used to support patient and public involvement in undergraduate medical education? A rapid systematic review Eitan Lovat Full abstract
1A.7 E-tivities: A way of increasing clinical exposure to undergraduate students in primary care. Bakula Patel Full abstract
1B COVID and Primary Care 2 Brendan Delaney, Harriet Quinn-Scoggins 7 talks
1B.1 Mental Health Prevention and Promotion for those who have had Covid-19. Charlotte Harding and Ameera Iqbal Full abstract
1B.2 What is the impact of COVID-19 on cancer symptom experience and help-seeking behaviour in the United Kingdom? A cross-sectional population survey Harriet Quinn-Scoggins and Rebecca Cannings-John Full abstract
1B.3 RECAP (remote COVID-19 Assessment in Primary Care): A risk score to predict hospital admission. Brendan Delaney Full abstract
1B.4 Impact of COVID-19 on Migrants’ Access to Primary Care and Implications for COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out: A National Qualitative Study Felicity Knights Full abstract
1B.5 Are there differences between the rates of new diagnoses reported pre and during the COVID-19 pandemic? Jennifer Cole Full abstract
1B.6 How were patients assessed and triaged at a COVID-19 Referral Centre in primary care? Jennifer Cooper and Astha Anand Full abstract
1B.7 Seroprevalence study of SARS-CoV-2 infection in General Practice in Ireland Peter Hayes on behalf of Michael E O'Callaghan Full abstract
1C Cardiovascular Disease 3 Christopher Clark, Clare R Goyder 7 talks
1C.1 Does the higher or lower reading arm best reflect systolic blood pressure? An individual participant data meta-analysis from the INTERPRESS-IPD Collaboration Christopher Clark Full abstract
1C.2 Does the occurrence of cardiovascular complications after acute respiratory infection vary by underlying cardiovascular risk? A cohort study using linked primary and secondary care records from over 4.2 million individuals in England, 2008-2018 Jennifer Davidson Full abstract
1C.3 Arm Based on LEg blood pressures (ABLE-BP): Can leg blood pressure measurements predict brachial blood pressure? An individual participant data meta-analysis from the INTERPRESS-IPD Collaboration Sinead McDonagh Full abstract
1C.4 Digital health RCT interventions for cardiovascular disease risk reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis Rohan Devani Full abstract
1C.5 Should we screen for heart failure? A qualitative study to explore the acceptability of a potential new diagnostic pathway Clare R Goyder Full abstract
1C.6 Statin treatment and LDL-cholesterol treatment goal attainment among individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia in UK Primary Care Barbara Iyen Full abstract
1C.7 Comparing the rate of serious adverse events in hypertension trials with rates of similar events in routine clinical practice: are older people in trials representative of the target population? Peter Hanlon Full abstract
1D Living Well 4 Adam Grice, Emma Healey 7 talks
1D.1 Acceptability to general practitioners of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid: systematic review Melis Selamoğlu Full abstract
1D.2 Flexidelity – assessing fidelity of delivery of a complex intervention to help people live well with persistent symptoms. Kate Fryer Full abstract
1D.3 How do general practitioners provide physical activity advice during consultations with patients? Adam Grice Full abstract
1D.4 CREATIVE PIECE: From the root up Hira Mayet Full abstract
1D.5 What is the evidence for the influence of socioeconomic status on the association between a combination of unhealthy lifestyle factors and adverse health? Hamish Foster Full abstract
1D.6 How do objectively measured physical activity behaviours relate to morbidity in older adults? A latent class analysis Andrew O'Regan Full abstract
1D.7 Two sides of the same coin? An ethnographic exploration of primary care staff and link worker perspectives on social prescribing Bethan Griffith Full abstract
1E Infectious Diseases 5 Gail Hayward, Chris Butler 6 talks
1E.1 Challenges and Solutions to Infectious Disease Screening and Catch-Up Vaccination of Migrants in Primary Care: an In-depth Qualitative Study Felicity Knights Full abstract
1E.2 Understanding the management of common infections in out-of-hours primary care Rebecca K. Barnes and Geraldine M. Leydon Full abstract
1E.3 Has lockdown helped the UK achieve its antimicrobial stewardship targets? A retrospective cohort study using electronic health records Rupert Payne Full abstract
1E.4 Beyond Protocol Working – a review of clinical decision making for older patients presenting with suspected pneumonia Sara McKelvie Full abstract
1E.5 Facilitators and barriers to covid-19 vaccine uptake in BAME groups in primary care: a qualitative study Mohammad Sharif Razai Full abstract
1E.6 Are at-home, parent-collected, Royal Mail-transported upper respiratory tract dry specimens equivalent to nurse-collected, same-day, on-ice, viral-medium transported specimens for the detection of respiratory microbes in young children? Claire A Woodall Full abstract
1F Workshop: See and Be Seen - how to develop your academic impact 6 Amanda Howe, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Joanne Reeve 1 talk
1F.1 See and Be Seen - how to develop your academic impact Amanda Howe, Carolyn Chew-Graham, Joanne Reeve Full abstract
1G Living Well at the Deep End 7 Claire Norman, Josephine M Wildman 1 talk
1G.1 Living Well at the Deep End Claire Norman, Josephine M Wildman Full abstract

Lunch break


Prize presentation session

SAPC/RCGP Awards for Outstanding Early Career Researcher

Award 1: Dr Samuel Seidu "Deciding the right HbA1c targets for older people with type 2 diabetes"

Award 2: Dr Shoba Dawson "Improving ethnic diversity in primary care research"

SAPC PhD prize: Dr Emily McBride "Psychological Impact of Testing Positive for Human Papillomavirus at Cervical Cancer Screening" 



2A Digital Health and Big Data 1 Frances Mair, Jeremy Dale 7 talks
2A.1 Exploring the views and experiences of under-represented groups in using digital health to self-manage Parkinson’s and the impact of COVID-19 on access to care Danielle Nimmons Full abstract
2A.2 How do electronic risk assessment tools affect the communication and understanding of risk and diagnostic uncertainty in the primary care consultation? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Alex Burns Full abstract
2A.3 A community pharmacy text messaging intervention to support medication taking. Who does it work for, and in what circumstances? Gemma Donovan Full abstract
2A.4 Service user experience, clinical outcomes and service use associated with urgent care services that utilise telephone based digital triage: A systematic review Vanashree Sexton Full abstract
2A.5 Inequalities in developing multimorbidity over time: a population-based cohort study using Multistate Markov Chain Models Alessandra Bisquera Full abstract
2A.6 Safetxt: A randomised controlled trial of an intervention delivered by mobile phone messaging to reduce sexually transmitted infections (STI) by increasing sexual health precaution behaviours in young people. Cari Free Full abstract
2A.7 Multimorbidity and adverse outcomes in UK Biobank: are findings biased by lack of representativeness? Peter Hanlon Full abstract
2B Workforce and Careers 2 David Blane, Peter Bower 7 talks
2B.1 How can we improve GP recruitment and retention in areas of socio-economic deprivation? Qualitative evaluation of the Deep End GP Pioneer Scheme David Nicholas Blane Full abstract
2B.2 Involving patients and carers in primary care patient safety: a qualitative study examining the role of a patient safety guide Rebecca Lauren Morris Full abstract
2B.3 Growing the GP team – how does GP work change with expansion of the practitioner team? Sharon Spooner Full abstract
2B.4 How can we promote Academic GP careers? Exploring the experiences of academic GPs. Zoe McElhinney Full abstract
2B.5 Experiences of OOH task-shifting from GPs: Systematic review of qualitative studies. Merlin Willcox Full abstract
2B.6 Understanding the impact of professional motivation on the workforce crisis in medicine Efioanwan Andah Full abstract
2B.7 Associations between Research Activity and Patient Health Outcomes (ARAPAHO) Jon Gibson Full abstract
2C Cancer 3 Sam Merriel, Alun Surgey 7 talks
2C.1 What role do GP factors have on decisions to investigate symptoms of possible cancer? A mixed-methods systematic review Victoria Hardy Full abstract
2C.2 Managing uncertainty for lung cancer symptoms: how is safety netting experienced and understood in practice? Sandra van Os Full abstract
2C.3 Trends in urgent referrals for suspected cancer over the last decade Lesley Smith Full abstract
2C.4 Scoping Review of Point-of-Care tests used to detect Cancer Anam Ayaz-Shah Full abstract
2C.5 How can a feasibility trial to test an early diagnosis complex intervention, be delivered during a global pandemic? The rapid adaptation of ThinkCancer! Alun Surgey Full abstract
2C.6 Do changes in full blood count indices predate symptom reporting in people with undiagnosed bowel cancer? Retrospective analysis using cohort and case control designs. Tim Holt Full abstract
2C.7 Sources of support and perceptions of the role of the GP for patients following major pancreatic surgery for cancer: A qualitative study Anna Taylor Full abstract
2D Mental Health 4 Carolyn Chew-Graham, Katrina Turner 7 talks
2D.1 How can alcohol brief interventions be embedded into routine primary care? A qualitative study of clinicians and patients perspectives Liz Sturgiss Full abstract
2D.2 Can we PREDICT Relapse of depression in primary care? (Protocol for the PREDICTR Study) Andrew Moriarty Full abstract
2D.3 Trends in prescribing for anxiety in UK primary care Charlotte Archer Full abstract
2D.4 Alcohol and cocaine use prior to suspected suicide – Insights from toxicology James Bailey Full abstract
2D.5 Multiple adverse health outcomes among individuals diagnosed with an eating disorder: findings from a large primary care cohort with linked secondary care and mortality records Catharine Morgan Full abstract
2D.6 Understanding how “non-traditional” providers can support early detection of mental health problems among older adults: a realist synthesis Tom Kingstone Full abstract
2D.7 Mortality in patients prescribed mirtazapine compared to other antidepressants: an active-comparator new user cohort study Rebecca Joseph Full abstract
2E System Organisation 5 Sarah Alderson, John Campbell 7 talks
2E.1 Co-designing a Deep End network for the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) Claire Norman Full abstract
2E.2 Primary care micro-teams: A systematic review to describe and examine the opportunities, challenges and implications of implementation for patients and health care professionals. Charles Coombs Full abstract
2E.3 Creating and maintaining participatory space to share organisational decision making with patients in general practice Jessica Drinkwater Full abstract
2E.4 Improving communication to GPs at hospital discharge: a systems approach Nicholas Boddy Full abstract
2E.5 Awareness and use of online services in general practice: analysis of GP Patient Survey data Gary Abel Full abstract
2E.6 Avoidance, distrust and inequality: A systematic scoping review of the UK resident Central and Eastern European community member perceptions and engagement with General Practice Aaron Poppleton Full abstract
2E.7 Electronic medical test results services in general practices across England: what works, for whom, in what circumstances and why? Gemma Lasseter Full abstract
2F Workshop: BSc degrees in Primary Care: establishing, maintaining, innovating 6 Niki Jakeways, Surinder Singh, Karen Fairhurst, Martin Sands 1 talk
2F.1 BSc degrees in Primary Care: establishing, maintaining, innovating Niki Jakeways, Surinder Singh, Karen Fairhurst, Martin Sands Full abstract
2G Workshop: Science communication 7 Julia Bailey, Lucy Lloyd 1 talk
2G.1 Science communication Julia Bailey, Lucy Lloyd Full abstract

Close / poster viewing / interacting

Day 2 : Thursday 1st July


How to create your own itinerary with this schedule

When you are in the platform you can create a personal schedule there too.


Poster session 2: discussion and viewing Poster list (all posters will be available to view throughout the conference in the Poster Gallery on the virtual platform)

Visit the exhibition 


Networking shuffle (if you choose to join these are 4 minute meetings to chat with 3 other randomly selected participants)


Introduction to day 2 by Suzanne Richards, Leeds


Presentations of distinction from the Australisian Association of Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) and the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)

From the AAAPC annual meeting:

Grant Russell

Optimising primary care for refugees. Findings from an Australian cluster randomised trial

From the NAPRCG annual meeting

Tim Holt

Incidence and predictors for hip fracture in people with intellectual disability


SAPC: ‘what we are and what we do’ 

Carolyn Chew-Graham (SAPC), Julia Hiscock (Primary Healthcare Scientists), Joanne Reeve (WISE GP)



3A Teaching Remote Consulting, and GP training 1 Caroline Mitchell, Niro Siriwardena 7 talks
3A.1 Remote teaching, remote consulting: what and how have students learnt? Laila Abdullah Full abstract
3A.2 A realist evaluation of undergraduate medical teaching with remote (telephone and video) consultations in primary care Roaa Al-bedaery Full abstract
3A.3 Evaluating international graduates’ experiences of reflection in general practice training Laura Emery Full abstract
3A.4 Making a GP longitudinal integrated clerkship in the UK at scale and sustainable - a Realist analysis. Melvyn Jones Full abstract
3A.5 GP registrars’ experiences of participating in a GP surgery ‘community of practice’ during COVID-19 – a narrative study of their learning through identity formation Sarah Pocknell Full abstract
3A.6 Candidates’ perceptions and experiences of the UK Recorded Consultation Assessment implemented during COVID-19: cross-sectional data linkage study Aloysius Niroshan Siriwardena Full abstract
3A.7 What influenced medical students to undertake paid work during the COVID-19 pandemic? Sarah Chitson Full abstract
3B COVID: impact, outcomes and vaccination 2 Carolyn Chew-Graham, Helen Atherton 7 talks
3B.1 Public attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination in the UK: a qualitative interview study Fiona Wood Full abstract
3B.2 What are the associations between lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and COVID-19 mortality in UK Biobank? Hamish Foster Full abstract
3B.3 Digital exclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic in the English Longitudinal Study for Ageing population Shivan Thakrar Full abstract
3B.4 CREATIVE PIECE: A love poem Astha Tanwar Full abstract
3B.5 How to do efficient trial design in a pandemic? National implementation via primary care of Germ Defence digital behaviour-change intervention to reduce the spread of COVID-19 Jeremy Horwood Full abstract
3B.6 BCG vaccination to prevent COVID19 in healthcare workers. The international BRACE clinical trial John Campbell Full abstract
3B.7 Vulnerability and migration during the pandemic in the UK: a wellbeing perspective Antje Lindenmeyer Full abstract
3C Older People 3 Suzanne Richards, Jo Butterworth 7 talks
3C.1 What are the implications of frailty and multimorbidity in middle-aged and older people with type 2 diabetes? Peter Hanlon Full abstract
3C.2 Diagnosing cancer in older adults: a review of international guidelines Blessing Essang Full abstract
3C.3 Prediction of postural hypotension in the Community ageing Research 75+ (CARE75+) dataset Judit Konya Full abstract
3C.4 Support Needs of Carers Making Proxy Health Care Decisions for People with dementia; a systematic meta-ethnography of qualitative studies Samuel Lassa Full abstract
3C.5 How can we continue to involve older people in primary-care research despite the restrictions of a pandemic? John Travers Full abstract
3C.6 Behavioural Activation in Social IsoLation (BASIL): Is it feasible to deliver a remote study involving a psychological intervention to mitigate depression and loneliness in older adults with long-term health conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic? Liz Littlewood Full abstract
3C.7 Validating primary care markers of the course of dementia through linkage to secondary care records Kelvin Jordan Full abstract
3D Women's Health 4 Yana Vinogradova, Richard Ma 7 talks
3D.1 Evaluation of contraceptive provision during SARS-CoV-2 lockdown in the United Kingdom: online survey using social media platforms Richard Ma Full abstract
3D.2 The Association Between Domestic Abuse and Atopic Diseases in the United Kingdom: A Population Based Retrospective Cohort Study Katrina Nash Full abstract
3D.3 Self-monitoring of blood pressure in women with higher risk pregnancies: the BUMP1 multicentre randomised controlled trial Richard McManus Full abstract
3D.4 Identifying and responding to domestic violence in General Practice during the COVID-19 pandemic Elizabeth Emsley Full abstract
3D.5 A meta-synthesis of patients’ and health providers’ attitudes towards the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) in primary care. Emma Linton Full abstract
3D.6 I have endometriosis. Welcome to my world: Women’s experiences of living with endometriosis and the delay in diagnosis. A narrative analysis. Adwoa Sefa Full abstract
3D.7 What are the additional risks of dementia in women taking hormone replacement therapy? Yana Vinogradova Full abstract
3E Dying Well 5 Susan Smith, Sarah Mitchell 7 talks
3E.1 A qualitative interview study of implementing ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) in care and nursing homes: a valuable means of eliciting emergency care preferences? Jo Kesten Full abstract
3E.2 Prescribing in the Last Year of Life, and associations with demographic factors, cancer type and unscheduled care use, in people who die from cancer. Sarah Mills Full abstract
3E.3 Mapping the evidence against the Daffodil Standards for the developing role of community pharmacists in palliative care: a systematic scoping review Mirella Longo Full abstract
3E.4 What attendance-level demographic, clinical, and temporal factors are associated with unscheduled care use in people who die from cancer? Sarah Mills Full abstract
3E.5 What’s missing in Unscheduled Care Big Data? A free-text analysis of General Practice Out-of-Hours (GPOOH) Attendances by People who Die from Cancer. Sarah Mills Full abstract
3E.6 Enabling people to live and die well with dementia: a new primary care intervention Greta Brunskill Full abstract
3E.7 Perceptions and experiences of residents and relatives of emergencies in care homes: systematic review and meta-synthesis Despina Laparidou Full abstract
3F Workshop: Delivering Research with GPs in a place-based ICS 6 Paul Carder, Ruth Burnett 1 talk
3F.1 Workshop: Delivering Research with GPs in a place-based Integrated Care Ssystem Paul Carder, Ruth Burnett Full abstract
3G Workshop: Whose decision is it anyway? A Forum Theatre workshop 7 Jess Drinkwater, Alice O'Grady 1 talk
3G.1 Whose decision is it anyway? A Forum Theatre workshop Jess Drinkwater, Alice O'Grady and five actors Full abstract



Plenary: Innovations in undergraduate education

Professor Joe Rosenthal, Professor Alex Harding, Dr Jane Kirby


SAPC Annual General Meeting and update - your chance to influence the future of SAPC


Lunch break

4A Children 1 Matt Ridd, Jo Protheroe 7 talks
4A.1 How accurately can the NICE Traffic Light System predict serious illness in acutely unwell children under five? A retrospective cohort study. Amy Clark Full abstract
4A.2 Findings from the Best Emollients for Eczema randomised trial comparing four types of emollients in children with eczema Matthew Ridd Full abstract
4A.3 The association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and the development of atopic diseases Katrina Nash Full abstract
4A.4 CREATIVE PIECE: Living well with childhood eczema Fiona Cowdell Full abstract
4A.5 An assessment of the frequency of symptoms that guidelines associate with non-IgE mediated cow’s milk allergy: a secondary analysis of the Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) Study. Rosie Vincent Full abstract
4A.6 Effectiveness of behaviour change techniques in improving children's hand hygiene to reduce illness-related absence in educational settings in high-income countries: a systematic review. Emily Hoyle Full abstract
4A.7 Evaluation of childhood immunisations and a potential COVID-19 immunisation in the Somali population in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Alastair Green Full abstract
4B Consultation, Communication and Risk Prediction 2 Hazel Everitt, Richard McManus 7 talks
4B.1 A feasibility study of online training in empathic and optimistic communication in primary care: adapting to the COVID pandemic Felicity Bishop Full abstract
4B.2 Can we reduce salbutamol overuse in patients with asthma? A Quality Improvement project in east London primary care using a learning health system approach Anna De Simoni Full abstract
4B.3 Patient perceptions of empathy in primary care telephone consultations; a nested qualitative study Jane Vennik Full abstract
4B.4 CREATIVE PIECE: Lost in translation Najma Ahmed Full abstract
4B.5 A dynamic prediction model for early detection of colorectal cancer using routine blood test results from primary care Pradeep S. Virdee Full abstract
4B.6 Validation and Public Health Modelling of Risk Prediction Models for Kidney Cancer in UK Biobank Hannah Harrison Full abstract
4B.7 The consultation as a liminal space – understanding what happens in extended role GP consultations for persistent physical symptoms Kate Fryer Full abstract
4C Medication 3 Rupert Payne, Ian Maidment 7 talks
4C.1 How do GPs approach deprescribing of long-term medicines within the context of limited life expectancy? Deborah McCahon Full abstract
4C.2 Development of a model of medication review for use in clinical practice: Bristol Medication Review Model Rupert Payne Full abstract
4C.3 What influences locum GPs’ antibiotic prescribing and engagement with antibiotic stewardship? A mixed-methods study Aleksandra Borek Full abstract
4C.4 Excessive polypharmacy and cumulative prescribing of drugs predisposing to adverse drug events in residents of 147 care-homes: a cross-sectional analysis Clare MacRae Full abstract
4C.5 Tackling Polypharmacy in Practice: Too little evidence or too much emotion? A video-reflexive ethnography study in general practice. Deborah A Swinglehurst Full abstract
4C.6 Supporting prescribing in older patients with multimorbidity and significant polypharmacy in Irish primary care (SPPiRE); a cluster randomised controlled trial Caroline McCarthy Full abstract
4C.7 Experiences of taking antiretroviral medication as pre-exposure prophylaxis amongst men who have sex with men attending sexual health clinics in Wales: a nested qualitative study David GIllespie Full abstract
4D Diabetes 4 Samuel Seidu, Emma Wallace 7 talks
4D.1 Does a leaflet-based intervention, ‘Hypos can strike twice’, prevent recurrent hypoglycaemic attendances by ambulance services? Vanessa Botan Full abstract
4D.2 A randomised controlled trial to improve treatment adherence in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (INTENSE): A progress report Hiyam Al-Jabr Full abstract
4D.3 Exploring the feasibility of conducting primary care trials in the Irish context: lessons from the IDEAs (Improving Diabetes Eye-screening Attendance) study Fiona Riordan Full abstract
4D.4 How accurate are non-invasive and minimally invasive glucose monitoring devices for detecting of hypoglycaemia? Nicole Lindner Full abstract
4D.5 What is the effect of routinely assessing and addressing depression and diabetes distress using patient reported outcome measures in improving outcomes among adults with type 2 diabetes? Rita McMorrow Full abstract
4D.6 Association of type 2 diabetes remission and risk of cardiovascular disease in pre-defined subgroups Hilda Hounkpatin Full abstract
4D.7 Evaluating the effectiveness of the NHS DPP programme at reducing conversion of NDH to T2DM, using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Rathi Ravindrarajah Full abstract
4E Musculoskeletal Medicine and Pain 5 Nefyn Williams, Matthew Allsop 7 talks
4E.1 Test-retest reliability, construct validity and responsiveness of the Polymyalgia Rheumatica Impact Scale (PMR-IS) Helen Twohig Full abstract
4E.2 Vfrac – a simple clinical tool that identifies older women with back pain at high risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures Tarnjit K Khera Full abstract
4E.3 Towards better healthcare delivery for fibromyalgia: people’s experiences in primary care Stefanie Doebl Full abstract
4E.4 How does multimorbidity impact quality of life, disease activity and health assessment in patients with new-onset rheumatoid arthritis? Fraser Morton Full abstract
4E.5 The impact of guidelines on the proportion of OA consultations associated with an X-ray request: a time trend analysis Connor Henry-Blake Full abstract
4E.6 ‘They were laughing at us and mocking us’: the experiences of people attending a novel behavioural programme for chronic low back pain in a rural Nigerian primary care centre Chinonso Igwesi-Chidobe Full abstract
4E.7 Living well with chronic musculoskeletal pain Noureen Shivji Full abstract
4F Workshop: “Well me” – optimising the LIC, designing, delivering and implementing health literacy and population health improvem 6 Ffion Williams, Katie Webb 1 talk
4F.1 “Well me” – optimising the LIC, designing, delivering and implementing health literacy and population health improvement projects Ffion Williams (1 & 2), Katie Webb (1) Full abstract
4G Workshop: An Early Career Researchers' Solution Room 7 Jo Butterworth, Jess Drinkwater, Adam Grice, Louise Hall, Rebecca Morris 1 talk
4G.1 An Early Career Researchers' Solution Room Jo Butterworth, Jess Drinkwater, Adam Grice, Rebecca Morris Full abstract
4A Children 1 Matt Ridd 7 talks
4A.1 How accurately can the NICE Traffic Light System predict serious illness in acutely unwell children under five? A retrospective cohort study. Amy Clark Full abstract
4A.2 Findings from the Best Emollients for Eczema randomised trial comparing four types of emollients in children with eczema Matthew Ridd Full abstract
4A.3 The association between exposure to childhood maltreatment and the development of atopic diseases Katrina Nash Full abstract
4A.4 CREATIVE PIECE: Living well with childhood eczema Fiona Cowdell Full abstract
4A.5 An assessment of the frequency of symptoms that guidelines associate with non-IgE mediated cow’s milk allergy: a secondary analysis of the Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) Study. Rosie Vincent Full abstract
4A.6 Effectiveness of behaviour change techniques in improving children's hand hygiene to reduce illness-related absence in educational settings in high-income countries: a systematic review. Emily Hoyle Full abstract
4A.7 Evaluation of childhood immunisations and a potential COVID-19 immunisation in the Somali population in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Alastair Green Full abstract
4B Consultation, Communication and Risk Prediction 2 Hazel Everitt, Richard McManus 7 talks
4B.1 A feasibility study of online training in empathic and optimistic communication in primary care: adapting to the COVID pandemic Felicity Bishop Full abstract
4B.2 Can we reduce salbutamol overuse in patients with asthma? A Quality Improvement project in east London primary care using a learning health system approach Anna De Simoni Full abstract
4B.3 Patient perceptions of empathy in primary care telephone consultations; a nested qualitative study Jane Vennik Full abstract
4B.4 CREATIVE PIECE: Lost in translation Najma Ahmed Full abstract
4B.5 A dynamic prediction model for early detection of colorectal cancer using routine blood test results from primary care Pradeep S. Virdee Full abstract
4B.6 Validation and Public Health Modelling of Risk Prediction Models for Kidney Cancer in UK Biobank Hannah Harrison Full abstract
4B.7 The consultation as a liminal space – understanding what happens in extended role GP consultations for persistent physical symptoms Kate Fryer Full abstract
4C Medication 3 Rupert Payne, Ian Maidment 7 talks
4C.1 How do GPs approach deprescribing of long-term medicines within the context of limited life expectancy? Deborah McCahon Full abstract
4C.2 Development of a model of medication review for use in clinical practice: Bristol Medication Review Model Rupert Payne Full abstract
4C.3 What influences locum GPs’ antibiotic prescribing and engagement with antibiotic stewardship? A mixed-methods study Aleksandra Borek Full abstract
4C.4 Excessive polypharmacy and cumulative prescribing of drugs predisposing to adverse drug events in residents of 147 care-homes: a cross-sectional analysis Clare MacRae Full abstract
4C.5 Tackling Polypharmacy in Practice: Too little evidence or too much emotion? A video-reflexive ethnography study in general practice. Deborah A Swinglehurst Full abstract
4C.6 Supporting prescribing in older patients with multimorbidity and significant polypharmacy in Irish primary care (SPPiRE); a cluster randomised controlled trial Caroline McCarthy Full abstract
4C.7 Experiences of taking antiretroviral medication as pre-exposure prophylaxis amongst men who have sex with men attending sexual health clinics in Wales: a nested qualitative study David GIllespie Full abstract
4D Diabetes 4 Samuel Seidu, Emma Wallace 7 talks
4D.1 Does a leaflet-based intervention, ‘Hypos can strike twice’, prevent recurrent hypoglycaemic attendances by ambulance services? Vanessa Botan Full abstract
4D.2 A randomised controlled trial to improve treatment adherence in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (INTENSE): A progress report Hiyam Al-Jabr Full abstract
4D.3 Exploring the feasibility of conducting primary care trials in the Irish context: lessons from the IDEAs (Improving Diabetes Eye-screening Attendance) study Fiona Riordan Full abstract
4D.4 How accurate are non-invasive and minimally invasive glucose monitoring devices for detecting of hypoglycaemia? Nicole Lindner Full abstract
4D.5 What is the effect of routinely assessing and addressing depression and diabetes distress using patient reported outcome measures in improving outcomes among adults with type 2 diabetes? Rita McMorrow Full abstract
4D.6 Association of type 2 diabetes remission and risk of cardiovascular disease in pre-defined subgroups Hilda Hounkpatin Full abstract
4D.7 Evaluating the effectiveness of the NHS DPP programme at reducing conversion of NDH to T2DM, using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Rathi Ravindrarajah Full abstract
4E Musculoskeletal Medicine and Pain 5 Nefyn Williams, Matt Allsop 7 talks
4E.1 Test-retest reliability, construct validity and responsiveness of the Polymyalgia Rheumatica Impact Scale (PMR-IS) Helen Twohig Full abstract
4E.2 Vfrac – a simple clinical tool that identifies older women with back pain at high risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures Tarnjit K Khera Full abstract
4E.3 Towards better healthcare delivery for fibromyalgia: people’s experiences in primary care Stefanie Doebl Full abstract
4E.4 How does multimorbidity impact quality of life, disease activity and health assessment in patients with new-onset rheumatoid arthritis? Fraser Morton Full abstract
4E.5 The impact of guidelines on the proportion of OA consultations associated with an X-ray request: a time trend analysis Connor Henry-Blake Full abstract
4E.6 ‘They were laughing at us and mocking us’: the experiences of people attending a novel behavioural programme for chronic low back pain in a rural Nigerian primary care centre Chinonso Igwesi-Chidobe Full abstract
4E.7 Living well with chronic musculoskeletal pain Noureen Shivji Full abstract
4F Workshop: “Well me” – optimising the LIC, designing, delivering and implementing health literacy and population health improvem 6 1 talk
4F.1 “Well me” – optimising the LIC, designing, delivering and implementing health literacy and population health improvement projects Ffion Williams (1 & 2), Katie Webb (1) Full abstract
4G Workshop: An Early Career Researchers' Solution Room 7 1 talk
4G.1 An Early Career Researchers' Solution Room Jo Butterworth, Jess Drinkwater, Adam Grice, Rebecca Morris Full abstract



Keynote session 2

Dr Kaveh Shojania "The tension between needing to improve care and knowing how to do it"

Professor Katherine E Sleeman "End of life care: bridging the evidence-policy gap"




Prize giving - Carolyn Chew-Graham, SAPC Chair

Closing reflections - Richard Neal, Suzanne Richards, Leeds

SAPC ASM 2022 presentation from Umesh Chauhan, UCLan



Close / poster viewing / interacting


Clinical Excellence Awards update / workshop 

Prof Tony Avery and Prof John Campbell

More details

Conference team