2022 Annual Report
Ian Maidment and Rupert Payne
Date: 20 Dec 2022
We hold approximately termly online meetings of the SIG, discussing a variety of pertinent issues, including internal and external presentations. Our last meeting was held face-to-face during the SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting, attended by about 25 individuals, ranging in experience from doctoral students to professorial staff. Small group discussions were held on research priorities and direction for the SIG; some of these outcomes will be taken forward by individual members.
There are ongoing discussions between the SAPC SIG and the British Pharmacological Society, looking at opportunities for collaboration. This includes looking at shared research opportunities and also development of a sub-speciality.
We are also looking to develop a collaboration with the College of Mental Health Pharmacy, and have had preliminary discussions with the Chair. This will be joint with the Mental Health SIG.
We have also had some early discussions with the Behavioural Science SIG and the Quality Improvement and Safety SIG about joint working; these are ongoing.
The SIG is also working with Natasha Callender (NHS England) and Christine Bond (Uni. Aberdeen) looking at improving engagement of primary care clinical pharmacy with research and evidence based practice. There will be a presentation/workshop held in February to discuss this issue.
To date, it is difficult to provide evidence for impact of the SIG. However, we hope that the formalisation of the aforementioned collaborations will lead to measurable outcomes including presentations, new grants, publications and potential educational initiatives over the coming year.
Affiliation of the SIG with SAPC has helped provide the group with credibility, and raised the profile of the topic within SAPC and the wider community. It has certainly helped to foster the ongoing collaborations mentioned above.