2021 report Compassion SIG


- Completion of a new book; “Doctors as Patients”, with an emphasis on ‘self-compassion’. This book is a non for profit self-publication. We believe that this book fills a vacuum in published books on general practice, and we hope it will become an invaluable medical classic in the years to come, serving generations of all doctors, including GPs, as doctors reflect on what it is likely to be a patient.

Future plans

- Publication and distribution of the book and highlighting the issue to self-compassion and well-being, the need for which has become particularly prominent during the pandemic

- Presence at the next conference in July 2022 with a meeting of the group and future planning

Evidence of impact of the SIG

- Huge number of contributors to the new proposed book

  1. - Previous publications including medical students – on SAPC website - Charlton, R. "New Perspectives in Compassion for Tomorrow's Doctors”. DOI LINK: 

https://sapc.ac.uk/doi/10.37361/sigcompassion.2020.1.1  2020. 150 pages.

This was a book given out with the 2017 conference pack to delegates;

  1. Charlton, R., Hayward, C., Rees, J., Weston, C.  A Human Touch (Anthology of Prose & Poetry) by the Undergraduates of Swansea Medical School. Hampton-In-Arden Publishing, Catford Print,  ISBN: 978-0-9545604-3-0. 130pp. July 2017.

How affiliation with SAPC has helped the SIG

- SAPC provides opportunities that this SIG can highlight the importance of compassion in primary care and the different types of compassion;

  • Compassion to Patients
  • Institutional Compassion to the Workforce
  • Compassion between colleagues
  • Self-Compassion including mindfulness (looking after oneself)
  • Guarding against Dispassion


  • A future theme will be the impact of the pandemic on compassion on all of the above aspects, but also compassion to primary care practitioners
Special interest group: