Prof Joanne Protheroe

With the experienced help of SAPC Secretariat, and some accountants, I monitor the finances of the Society and help make decisions about where we spend or invest our funds.
I Chair the SAPC Health Literacy SIG.
My own research interests include decision aids/decision analysis; facilitating decision-making and self-management in general practice with a focus on long term conditions, disadvantaged groups, patient participation and health literacy.
My research is influenced by my clinical practice in inner-city Manchester, and is focused on two NHS priorities - the needs of socio-economically disadvantaged patients and the need for interventions to improve patient self-management in long-term conditions. My research has demonstrated that patients with low health literacy have difficulty in participating in their health care, resulting in poorer health. I am currently PI on an NIHR Programme grant looking at improving patient care in chronic musculoskeletal conditions.