Invitation to take part in a Nuffield Trust survey
There is growing pressure on GPs to form networks and work ‘at scale’, but the benefits are not always well understood.
The RCGP and Nuffield Trust are working to support GPs to understand these changes and to help them get the best out of any local initiatives to create larger scale GP organisations.
Candace Imison from the Nuffield Trust is a keynote speaker at this week's SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting. She will be sharing her thoughts on future directions for primary care at our conference on Pioneering Change.
The Nuffield Trust is currently working with RCGP to understand the work going on in GP networks and the pressure to work “at scale”?. There is growing pressure to do so, but the benefits are not always well understood. The RCGP and Nuffield Trust are working to support GPs to understand these changes and to help them get the best out of any local initiatives to create larger scale GP organisations.
As part of that work, the Nuffield Trust are currently doing a survey of GPs and practice based staff to find out about the large scale organisations that are forming around the country and the plans they have for the future.on their thoughts for the future.
If you are working in general practice at the moment, you can take part in the survey by clicking here
The results will be used to develop resources to support GP networks which will be available through the RCGP-Nuffield Trust General Practice At-Scale website (membership is free, click here to join). This survey follows up on similar questions we circulated in 2015, which contributed to the first national picture of the pace of change.
The survey will close at 5pm on Monday 31st July.
If you have any questions, please contact