SAPC News & current events

Can we replace GP training with an app?

Third prize at the 2014 SAPC Dangerous Ideas Soapbox went to Mica Skilton, a 3rd year medical student at Birmingham University. She argued that much of Undergraduate GP skills training could be replaced by an app. She describes her ideas for this...

Increasing the visibility of academic primary care

The latest of the SAPC Hot Topic papers, published in our sister journal Primary Health Care Research & Development , looks at how we raise the profile of APC. The report considers both the opportunities and the necessity to make academic...

The changing primary care research landscape

In this latest SAPC Hot Topic article , Sarah Mosedale and Paul Wallace provide an overview of NHS organisational changes focusing on the implications and opportunities for academic primary care. In particular, the importance of describing a clear...

Capacity for blue sky research in primary care?

This SAPC Hot Topic article responded to the recent report by Professor Graham Watt calling for greater recognition of the importance of blue sky research in primary care. Joanne Reeve and Christian Mallen discuss the challenges for the APC...
