WISE GP Interns start work!

Our three new WISE Interns - Dr Emily Lyness (Southampton), Dr Annabelle Machin (Keele), and Dr Johanna Reilly (Edinburgh) started work this month. Welcome to all three!!
The internships have been made possible by generous sponsorship from the NIHR School for Primary Care Research.
WISE GP is a joint initiative between SAPC and RCGP to champion professional scholarship at the heart of modern General Practice. Our initial scoping work led to the launch of the WISE GP website in July 2020. The website includes a range of resources supporting clinical scholarship, including: a list of training courses and resources, the GEMS library of current primary care research, an Experts list to support your work, a full list of SAPC departmental Ambassadors (links to individual departments), and inspiring stories of scholarship from individuals and groups.
With the arrival of our WISE interns, we are now entering phase two of the WISE project. Our interns will help us add to the resources already available, and ensure that as many people as possible across the primary care community know about WISE GP.
We now have a growing team of people working on the WISE GP initiative
- Dr Emily Lyness (Southampton) our early career lead
- Dr Johanna Reilly(Edinburgh) our education lead
- Dr Annabelle Machin (Keele) our research lead.
- Mark Orriss (web designer)
- Joanne Reeve (WISE GP Lead)
We will keep SAPC members posted on all that is happening through the SAPC newsletter, and are working to set up a WISE GP newsletter.
Bookmark our webpage for all updates!