SAPC News & current events

Regional meeting reports 2017

Thank you to all our regional meeting hosts for organising these great meetings so far this year Imperial College for hosting the SAPC SE regional meeting at Madingley Hall in January highlights University of Oxford for hosting the SW SAPC regional...

SAPC ASM 2017 earlybird deadline 6th May

The peer review process is well underway and all submitting authors will be notified of the outcome before the end of April. The programme will include dangerous ideas and an educational doctoral research session as well as all the usual workshops,...

New Chair SAPC Awards Committee

We are delighted to welcome Chris Dowrick as the Chair of SAPC's Awards Committee. Chris is well known to many of us as Professor of Primary Medical Care at the University of Liverpool and for giving a memorable Helen Lester Memorial Lecture at the...

Congratulations to Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard

Congratulations to Helen Stokes-Lampard on becoming Chair of Council for the Royal College of General Practitioners. She is also a part-time GP partner at The Cloisters Medical Practice in Lichfield, Staffordshire and member of SAPC. Helen will be...

Applications invited for a Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice

Applications are invited for the next round of prestigious Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships . The Commonwealth Fund's Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice provide a unique opportunity for mid-career health services researchers and practitioners to spend up to 12 months in the United States, conducting original research and working with leading U.S. health policy experts. Harkness Fellowships are designed for mid-career professionals who are committed to advancing health policy and practice in The Commonwealth Fund's principal areas of interest: improving access to care, and the quality and efficiency of health care services.

Alzheimer Society Implementation Research Grants

Moving research into the real world; £400,000 research grants available to help close the gap between dementia research and practice. Alzheimer’s Society uses the Implementation grant scheme to move tested, evidence based interventions into the real...

Dr Matthew Ridd wins the 2017 RCGP John Fry Award

The RCGP John Fry Award is presented to a GP whose work promotes the discipline of General Practice through research. The 2017 winner has been announced as Dr Matthew Ridd from the University of Bristol. Matt is a member of SAPC, and chairs the SAPC Dermatology SIG.

Sparkling Dangerous Ideas in Dublin at SAPC ASM 2016

The 5th annual SAPC Dangerous Ideas soapbox saw 6 speakers propose a range of ideas to improve primary care.These included the reorganisation of community pharmacy together with the reinstatement of generalist leadership. Offered alongside partly-tongue-in-cheek critiques of current opiod prescribing, care for the homeless, shared decision making and 'moaning' GPs. The six speakers pitched their ideas to a lively SAPC audience who voted for the introduction of a new Amazon-esque style approach to medicines management! (Almost...) Next year''s Dangerous Ideas soapbox will be held at the ASM in Warwick.
