What’s Water got to do with it?: Exploring Water, Sustainability and Health through creative enquiry.
• Understand the origins, context and trajectory of the ‘Turning the Tide’ exhibition
• Link Sustainable Healthcare to Water, Waste, Nature and Marine Recovery, and the role of Blue Social Prescribing.
• Learn about Healthcare Ocean, and the research component of the Blue Health modules in the Bristol Medical curriculum.
• Have an engaging, fun shared, multi-sensory/ embodied experience of what arts-based participatory enquiry and research feels like.
• Contribute to and help shape future educational resources on water, sustainability and medical research and education.
Brief introductory presentations with online, and in person specialists, Bristol academic/clinical staff and students. A participatory, hands-on, workshop facilitated by artist-researcher. Group discussion.
Of interest to:
Medical researchers, clinicians, sustainability advocates and educators wishing to link Water and Health in their clinical or academic work. Those curious about the role of arts-based enquiry methodologies in the Academy.