Exploring current levels of engagement with decarbonisation initiatives: a survey of the implementation, attitudes, and awareness of general practice staff.

Talk Code: 
Olivia Geddes
Jeremy Dale, Ana Raquel Nunes, Abi Eccles, Olivia Geddes, Helen Twohig, Helen Atherton
Author institutions: 
University of Warwick, Keele University, University of Southampton


The NHS has set a target to reach Net Zero by 2040. Despite being responsible for a fifth of all NHS emissions, little research has been done to establish the role of general practice in this context. A better understanding is required of the effectiveness of decarbonisation resources available to general practices, and how institutional, organisational, and professional factors can facilitate or inhibit their introduction and maintenance. Aims: To establish current levels of interest in decarbonisation in general practice. Understand the type and extent of specific decarbonisation actions being undertaken. Gauge the awareness of the decarbonisation resources currently available to practices. This work is part of the wider GPNET-0 Study.


An online survey was developed, aimed at staff working in general practices in three Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in England: Coventry and Warwickshire ICS, Birmingham and Solihull ICS, and South Yorkshire ICS. Questions were designed drawing on the NoMAD evaluation tool. The survey was distributed between November 2023 and February 2024 (ongoing) with an aim to reach every practice in the study setting (473 practices). The survey was distributed using a variety of methods at ICS and Primary Care Network level, supplemented with the work of Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN) representatives, and relevant organisations, such as Greener Practice. The study protocol was developed and is being undertaken with the continuous input of two PPI co-investigators.


The survey received a total of 328 responses, from 163/473 practices (34%). The highest proportion of responses were from GP Partners (29%), followed by Practice Managers (19%). 36% of responding practices reported having a lead for decarbonisation, and of these, 34% answered that this role was held by a GP Partner, and 32% answered that this role was held by a Practice Manager. 19% of respondents provided optional free text responses, permitting insight into the barriers and facilitators to decarbonisation in general practice. The survey is currently open (February 2024), and over the next few months, a more detailed analysis will be conducted. We aim to draw on both sociological and behavioural theories to permit the systematic identification of determinants relevant to the planning and implementation of decarbonisation activities in general practice.


This survey provides previously unknown insights into how general practices and their staff regard decarbonisation activities and their usefulness. The findings will have implications for initiatives used in general practice to try and achieve the NHS Net Zero target.The results have been used in the first instance to inform the selection of case study sites to take part in a longitudinal qualitative investigation in the second phase of the GPNET-0 Study.

Submitted by: 
Olivia Geddes
Funding acknowledgement: 
This survey forms part of the GPNET-0 Study, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research Programme.