Reimagining equitable primary care: Actionable insights to address inequalities in health and healthcare

Talk Code: 
Anna Gkiouleka

Aim and intended outcome / educational objectives

In this interactive workshop the organisers will share an evidence-based action framework and guiding principles on ways to address health inequalities through primary care. The recommended framework and principles were produced through two independent studies led by Dr John Ford (EQUALISE, University of Cambridge) and Dr Ben Jackson (FAIR STEPS, University of Sheffield) which provide complementary evidence from the published academic and grey literature and consensus from stakeholders.

During the workshop, the organisers aim to explore two questions:

1) How the integrated findings of the studies can be translated into context specific examples of action across local contexts e.g., general practices, primary care networks, integrated care systems and national bodies?

2) What dissemination strategies, channels, and materials are needed in order these example actions to be achieved?

Attendees will gain an understanding of evidence-based guiding principles on what works to address health inequalities through primary care. They will have the opportunity to inform the dissemination agenda of the two studies with topics and challenges that are relevant to their context.

By sharing their experience and learning they will also have the opportunity to expand their professional networks and explore potential shared initiatives.



The workshop will start with a 10-minutes presentation of the integrated findings of the EQUALISE and FAIR STEPS studies.

Then attendees will work in small groups for 30 minutes in order to reflect on the two questions described above and summarise their points for each question on a spreadsheet.

Organisers will not participate in the groups but will be available to answer questions and offer clarifications. For the last 20 minutes, the small groups will share their reflections in an open discussion among participants and organisers. Content The workshop will focus on the questions around the application and the dissemination of the integrated findings of the EQUALISE and FAIR STEP study across local contexts.

Both studies have reviewed international literature and produced transferrable conclusions. EQUALISE study reviewed which kind of interventions or aspects of general practice can decrease or increase inequalities using a realist methodology, while FAIR STEPS study used mixed methods including an integrative review, and a Delphi survey to understand and prioritise interventions in primary care to address health inequalities. The studies were conducted independently and both integrated patient, public and expert feedback.

Related publications: Ford JA, Gkiouleka A, Kuhn I, Sowden S, Head F, Siersbaek R, Bambra C, Harmston RR, Manji S, Moseley A, Wong G. Reducing health inequalities through general practice: protocol for a realist review (EQUALISE). BMJ Open. 2021 Jun 15;11(6):e052746.


Intended audience

Practitioners, policy makers, researchers and patient advocates interested in what works to address health inequalities through general practice and primary care.