2021 SE SAPC (virtual)

28th January at Zoom

Virtual meeting to be held on Thursday 28th January 2021

Abstract submission deadline: 30th November 2020

Click through to the website for SE SAPC 2021 Madingley

The Institutes of Population Health Sciences and Health Sciences Education at Queen Mary University of London is delighted to be hosting the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) South East conference ‘World Upside Down – How Does Primary Care Respond?’ to be held on Thursday 28th January 2021.

The meeting will be a one-day, free virtual event hosted via Zoom platform. We welcome a wide range of researchers and students to join us at the conference to share the latest in academic primary care. 

Our focus will be on how primary care responds to global threats (notably COVID-19, racism, the climate emergency). We will be embedding Creative Enquiry into the programme to facilitate the sharing of lived experiences and engagement among attendees beyond academic presentations.

We are delighted to confirm that our keynote speakers addressing these topics will be Professor Trish Greenhalgh OBE, Professor Aziz Sheikh OBE, and Sir Andy Haines. 

Abstracts for oral presentation

We ask each medical school to select and submit six abstracts that show your best work, preferably of, and presented by your early career researchers; please include at least one student presentation and one presentation on medical education. Please contact your head of department if you wish to be considered. 

Creative enquiry

We welcome an unlimited number of submissions, see here.


Visit the SE SAPC 2021 website to register.

Follow conference news on Twitter at this hashtag #SAPCSE2021


Professor Chris Griffiths

Chair, organising committee, QMUL


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