What are the opportunities to foster and nurture Quality Improvement in General Practice for medical students, GP trainees and GPs?

Talk Code: 
Nigel Hart, Ann Wylie, Joanna Bircher
Author institutions: 
Nigel Hart, Queen's University Belfast, Founder and Lead for EQUIP (Experience in QUality ImProvement) for GP Trainees Ann Wylie, Kings College London, QI and Health Promotion Community Lead Joanna Bircher, Clinical Director, Greater Manchester GP Excellence Programme and author of RCGP "Quality Improvement Guide for General Practice"

Aim and intended outcome / educational objectives 

The aim of this workshop is to explore and share insights for the development of Quality Improvement training and experience in General Practice for medical students, GP trainees and General Practitioners  


The workshop will feature a brief insight from each of the three presenters (5 minutes each) from the perspectives of:

 1.           Undergraduate education 

2.            Postgraduate training  

3.            General Practitioner education and professional development 

The bulk of the workshop will draw on the insights, experiences and questions of the participants to develop a range of ideas about how best to develop programmes and support students, trainees and GPs become confident in their application of Quality Improvement for improved healthcare outcomes. 


Everywhere now in healthcare people seem to be talking about ‘Quality Improvement’ (QI). Batalden and Davidoff say “everyone in healthcare really has two jobs….: to do their work and to improve it”.

The IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement), The Kings Fund and the Health Foundation have been promoting QI as a core activity for all healthcare practitioners for some years. More recently the GMC blueprint for undergraduate medical education and postgraduate training, ‘Outcomes for Graduates’ references QI as an important focus for the next generation of doctors.

Within the RCGP Curriculum, QI is now a set competency and importantly the new GP Contracts in England, Wales and Scotland include Quality Improvement activities.   Educators, trainers and researchers need to develop, innovate and test how best to foster and nurture knowledge, skills and experience in Quality Improvement.

What is not clear is how best this might be pursued.

In this session we will use stories (the oldest and most natural form of how people make sense of the world) questioning (the Socratic method), discussions and real data from real projects to explore and seek congruence on future direction of Quality Improvement that is relevant to General Practice.   

Intended audience 

Undergraduate curriculum authors, educators & facilitators  Postgraduate GP Training course organisers and trainers  Practicing General Practitioners  Researchers interested in developing interventions to maximise system improvements