WK 6: SAPC Research Potential – Choosing GP

Talk Code: 
Lindsey Pope, Hugh Alberti, Alexandra Davidson
Author institutions: 
Facilitators: Lindsey Pope, University of Glasgow Hugh Alberti, University of Newcastle Alexandra Davidson, University of Cambridge

The joint HEE and Medical Schools Council Report ‘By choice, not chance’ challenges us to consider how we support medical students towards future careers in general practice. It recognises how essential collaboration is to addressing the current GP recruitment crisis and that this responsibility lies with not only medical schools but also those organisations that are key in shaping the future of General Practice including the GMC, RCGP, SAPC, HEE and the Medical Schools Council.  To start addressing this challenge, a GP career symposium was held in Keele in January 2017 which enabled colleagues from around the UK and Northern Ireland to present their work to date and to start to consider more collaborative pieces of work.    But how can we best use an evidence based approach to move forward from here?    


  • to collectively reflect on recent national reports and studies which have discussed medical student and junior doctor career choices 
  • to identify areas to target nationally for further research into this area to and to agree how to progress these as a matter of urgency 
  • to consider the responsibility of SAPC and the Head of Teaching Group to address this challenge  
Submitted by: 
Lindsey Pope