SAPC ASM 2017 - Warwick

46th annual scientific meeting

at Ramphal Building

Wednesday 12th to Friday 14th July 2017

Theme: Pioneering Change

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the SAPC ASM 2017 at the University of Warwick to make it such a success.  Over 340 delegates registered to attend and over 250 presentations were given. 

Keynote videos

View the videos of the keynote speakers including Mark Gilman's Helen Lester Memorial Lecture.


Thank you to Jenni Burt and Domhnall Macauley for their brilliant round ups.

Jenni Burt. Sparkle and joy: a totally one sided round up of the 46th SAPC ASM

Domhnall MacAuley (CMAJ  Blogs):

Multimorbidity and the challenges of primary care practice at SAPC Day 1 and
Rediscovering enjoyment of general practice – SAPC Day 2

Prize winners

Prizes were presented in the closing session to:

Early career prize - Matthew Booker, Bristol

Why do 'primary care' problems result in contact with the ambulance service? Findings from an ethnographic study

NAPCRG/SAPC Junior travel award - John Barber, UCL

Facilitators and barriers to teaching undergraduate medical students in primary care: The GPs’ perspective

NAPCRG/SAPC Senior award - Louise Robinson, Newcastle

The Newcastle 85+ study: health care use by the very old increase as they age - true or false?




We are delighted to be welcoming you to Warwick University for the 2017 SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting.

Warwick Primary Care are proud to be working together with Coventry & Rugby CCG and our local primary care community to pioneer change. So we are excited by this opportunity to showcase both your work and what we are doing – by inviting you to join a celebration of the impact of, and potential for, academic primary care in driving improvements in primary care.

The Conference programme will, as ever, be dedicated to providing opportunities to share your work. We will have popular favourites – Dangerous Ideas, SIGs, PHOCUS meetings. Along with some new features – methodology workshops, a masterclass for education researchers.

The full programme will be added to this page by the middle of June. 

Details will be posted here over the coming weeks so book mark this page!

And we look forward to seeing you in Warwick in July.

The Audience

This annual conference brings together researchers and educators from the primary care community to showcase their latest studies on any aspect or issues relating to primary care. This is a great opportunity for you to share your work, join the conversation and shape the future of primary care. 


Here is information about the types of presentation that will be included in the programme.

The deadline for submission of abstracts was Sunday 19th February 2017 before midnight - abstract submission is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who submitted work to the conference, the peer review process is now complete and authors have been notified by email.  If you haven't yet heard please let us know by email.

Pre-conference workshops

The SAPC series of pre-conference workshops is continuing this year.  The workshops will take place on the morning of Wednesday 12th July from 09:30 to 12:00 and places can be booked by on-line registration at £50 per person.

Workshop 2 - an introduction to health technology assessment

We have withdrawn workshop 1 which was on mental health.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Workshops

Find out more about the Special Interest Groups on Wednesday 12th July and Workshops throughout the conference.


On-line registration is open Early bird deadline 6th May after that you can still register but the fees will rise. 

Please note the welcome social event on Wednesday: drinks reception and buffet supper is included in the registration fee but still needs to be requested as a separate ticket and the conference dinner on Thursday is not included in the registration fee.

You can view the table of registration fees including eligibility for student and academic clinical fellow rates. 

Bursaries of £100 towards the full fee are available - information about the bursaries and eligibility.


See venue below.


#WhyGP: Should it be #WhyPrimaryCare?
Pioneering professional practice
Dementia and research into practice; what a difference a decade makes!
4th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture - Discovering Health with Meaning and Purpose
Showing : |


Day 1 : Wednesday 12th July


Morning meetings 09.00-11.30

  • HODs (Ramphal Room 0.14) 
  • HOTs (Ramphal Room 0.12)
  • 10:30-11:30 Old HODs (Ramphal Room 1.03)



Registration desks open


Registration desks open - venue Ramphal Building


Special Interest Groups part 1 - Statisticians Group meeting and Learning Disabilities 


Special Interest Groups part 2 - The Self, Compassion, Education, Genetics, Palliative care, Reproductive and sexual health, Health literacy




Opening Session

Chair: Joanne Reeve

Welcome by Professor Simon Brake, Visiting Academic, Warwick Medical School and founding member of Warwick's Primary Care Academy, and Chief Officer, Walsall Clinical Commissioning Group. 

Address by Professor Christine Ennew, Provost of The University of Warwick

Plenary 1 - Candace Imison, The Nuffield Trust, London

1A Diabetes and lifestyle 0.12 Kate Jolly 6 talks
1A.1 What is the effect of a very low calorie diet on glycaemic control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus? Emma Scott Full abstract
1A.2 Overcoming clinical inertia in insulin initiation in primary care for patients with type 2 diabetes: 24-month follow-up of the Stepping Up trial Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis Full abstract
1A.3 Women’s views on the potential role of mobile technology in a primary care intervention aimed at reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes amongst women recently diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Caroline Mitchell Full abstract
1A.4 Examining the association between physical activity, deprivation and risk of mortality: a UK Biobank Study Hamish Foster Full abstract
1A.5 Long-term objective physical activity data from two primary care pedometer-based RCTs in middle-aged and older adults– are trial effects still positive at 3 and 4 years? Derek Cook Full abstract
1A.6 Systematic review and comparison of qualitative syntheses of older adults and associated health and social care workers’ views of drinking in later life Bethany Bareham Full abstract
1B Multimorbidity and comorbidity Lecture Theatre Martin Underwood 6 talks
1B.1 Development and validation of the Multimorbidity Treatment Burden Questionnaire Polly Duncan Full abstract
1B.2 The effectiveness of proactive telephone coaching and tailored support (PROTECTS) for people with multimorbidity: A pragmatic, two-arm, cohort multiple randomised controlled trial. Maria Panagioti Full abstract
1B.3 Comorbid conditions delay diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a cohort study using electronic primary care records Jose M Valderas Full abstract
1B.4 Multimorbidity and Comorbidity in Atrial Fibrillation and Effects on Survival: Findings from UK Biobank Cohort Bhautesh Jani Full abstract
1B.5 Integrating Patient Reported Outcome Measures into routine primary care for patients with multimorbidity Ian Porter Full abstract
1B.6 Mortality associated with multimorbidity and polypharmacy in patients with stroke or transient ischaemic attack: A study of 8751 UK Biobank Participants. Frances Mair Full abstract
1C Urgent care and access 0.14 Andrew Wilson 6 talks
1C.1 Implementation of emergency admission risk stratification: A cross sectional survey of 171 UK health boards and CCGs Mark Kingston Full abstract
1C.2 Why do 'primary care' problems result in contact with the ambulance service? Findings from an ethnographic study Matthew Booker Full abstract
1C.3 What is the relationship between primary care and unscheduled hospital activity within 30 days of discharge from an emergency admission? Kate Honeyford Full abstract
1C.4 Clinical effectiveness of an emergency admission predictive risk model in primary care Helen Snooks Full abstract
1C.5 Population and patient factors affecting AED attendance in London Sally Hull Full abstract
1C.6 Is frequent attending a problem? Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of a practice-level intervention for frequently attending patients in primary care Helen Cramer Full abstract
1D Interaction and patient involvement 1.13 Jenni Burt 6 talks
1D.1 Developing a Primary Care Patient Safety Guide: co-producing a tool for patients and carers with GPs, pharmacists, patients and carers Rebecca Lauren Morris Full abstract
1D.2 The changing roles of volunteers and health professional within a Compassionate Communities approach to end of life care Manjula Patel Full abstract
1D.3 A collaborative Patient and Public Involvement project to develop a new intervention for severe CFS/ME Clare McDermott Full abstract
1D.4 Can digital data capture and improved analysis of comments make patient feedback more meaningful and useful for primary care? Perspectives of staff and patients with long-term conditions Nicola Small Full abstract
1D.5 The acceptability and appropriateness of metaphors to explain cognitive behaviour therapy principles for people with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS): a qualitative study Tom Kingstone Full abstract
1D.6 Feeling “Dismissed” & Imposed Consumerism: accounts of patient-professional interactions from people with Multiple Sclerosis Abi Eccles Full abstract
1E Methods 1.15 Sandra Eldridge 6 talks
1E.1 Identification of low health literacy-risk patients in GP clinical systems Gillian Rowands Full abstract
1E.2 The “Cohort Multiple Randomised Controlled Trial” design – does it work in practice? David Reeves Full abstract
1E.3 What are the limitations for health research with restricted data collection from UK primary care? Helen Strongman Full abstract
1E.4 Can you use a party balloon instead of an autoinflation balloon to treat glue ear? Katherine Marshall Full abstract
1E.5 How can the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) balance the requirements of applied and methodological researchers when providing linked data? Rebecca Ghosh Full abstract
1E.6 Where next for primary care patient safety? A James Lind Alliance prioritisation setting partnership Rebecca Lauren Morris Full abstract
1F Workshop 1 - GP Workforce 1.03 See facilitators 1 talk
1F.1 The GP Workforce Pipeline- Supporting Medical Students towards Careers in General Practice and to the Timely Celebration of the Retirement Clock Caroline Anderson, Sharon Spooner, Emily Fletcher Full abstract

TEA BREAK and poster discussion session - discussion with poster authors - each poster will be on display throughout the conference


EP1A Long term conditions 0.12 Abi Eccles 11 talks
EP1A.01 ACTIB trial (Assessing Cognitive behavioural Therapy in Irritable Bowel): Recruitment and Baseline Characteristics Hazel Everitt Full abstract
EP1A.02 Baseline characteristics of participants enrolled in FORM-2C, an observational study of primary care patients with reduced eGFR Susannah Fleming Full abstract
EP1A.03 Long term outcomes and mortality among patients enrolled in a structured primary care-led diabetes programme Fiona Riordan Full abstract
EP1A.04 The TANDEM cognitive behavioural intervention for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Can a pre-pilot phase aid development of the intervention? Liz Steed Full abstract
EP1A.05 One-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation: UK findings from the GARFIELD-AF registry Patricia Apenteng Full abstract
EP1A.06 Patient experiences of atrial fibrillation, stroke risk and anticoagulant choices: a qualitative study. Mark Backhouse Full abstract
EP1A.07 Putting stroke medication guidelines into clinical practice: Is this the best approach for patients? Merel Pannebakker Full abstract
EP1A.08 Prevalence and predictors of treatment for uncomplicated mild hypertension: a retrospective analysis of the Clinical Practice Research Datalink James Sheppard Full abstract
EP1A.09 Stroke Prevention Rehabilitation Intervention Trial of Exercise (SPRITE) - A Randomised Feasibility Study Neil Heron Full abstract
EP1A.10 What is the prevalence of airflow obstruction in UK Biobank participants with Coronary Heart Disease and what is the relationship with mortality? Peter Hanlon Full abstract
EP1A.11 Are we optimising non-pharmacological interventions for COPD in the London Borough of Waltham Forest? Dr Ruth Russell Full abstract
EP1B Online and digital 0.14 Chris Burton 10 talks
EP1B.01 Can Mobile Phone Short Message Service Reminders Improve the Attendance Rate of Multidisciplinary Diabetes Services in a Primary Care Clinic? Man Chi Dao Full abstract
EP1B.02 A systematic review of internet-based interventions aimed at supporting family carers of people with dementia Jenny Hopwood Full abstract
EP1B.03 Empowering men with prostate cancer through online holistic needs assessment and care planning. Rebecca Appleton Full abstract
EP1B.04 Online out of hours triage or 20 questions Adrian Brown Full abstract
EP1B.05 A study protocol: A randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of iQuit, a tailored web and text message-based system to improve smoking cessation rates in primary care. Jo Mitchell Full abstract
EP1B.06 The Care Companion Project: Putting co-production into practice working with carers, NHS, local authority and third sector stakeholders to develop a digital resource to support informal carers Jeremy Dale Full abstract
EP1B.07 Digital Support Interventions for the Self-Management of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review Frances Mair Full abstract
EP1B.08 Exploring Life with a Long-Term Condition Using Asynchronous Online Communication Dr Andy Ward Full abstract
EP1B.09 Partnership in prostate cancer (ICARE-P): using digital technology to enable primary and specialist care integration Rebecca Appleton Full abstract
EP1B.10 Barriers and facilitators to adherence to secondary stroke prevention medications after stroke: Analysis of survivors and caregivers views from an online stroke forum Anna de Simoni Full abstract
EP1C Interface and diagnosis 1.13 Gail Hayward 11 talks
EP1C.01 Bridging the gap between primary and secondary care: lessons from a post CCT fellowship in urgent and acute care. Carol Bryce Full abstract
EP1C.02 Systematic Review of Unscheduled Care Sarah Mills Full abstract
EP1C.03 What works in outreach to GPs managing patients with Acute Kidney Injury in the community? Antje Lindenmeyer Full abstract
EP1C.04 Ethical considerations in prehospital ambulance based research: an interview study of expert informants Stephanie Armstrong Full abstract
EP1C.05 Reporting on primary care out-of-hours care: Is the news good or bad? Hamish Foster Full abstract
EP1C.06 Service evaluation for a New Urgent Care Service Dr Martin McGrath Full abstract
EP1C.07 What are the Barriers and Facilitators to Providing Continuity of Care between Secondary and Primary Care for Children with Long-Term Conditions? Jennifer McMurran Full abstract
EP1C.08 Common evidence gaps in point-of-care diagnostic test evaluation: a review of horizon scan reports Jan Verbakel Full abstract
EP1C.09 Towards earlier diagnosis: can we identifying new predictors of easily missed diagnoses in GP records? Chris Burton Full abstract
EP1C.10 Can a simple lung monitor be used as a screening test for COPD in primary care? Andy Dickens Full abstract
EP1C.11 Prior use of primary health care services in patients who have experienced Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Eoin O'Doherty Full abstract
EP1D Mental health Lecture Theatre Stewart Mercer 10 talks
EP1D.01 ‘Don't just Screen, Intervene’: What are the barriers and facilitators to weight loss for people with a serious mental illness and obesity? . A systematic narrative metasynthesis Caroline Mitchell Full abstract
EP1D.02 Does pay-for-performance influence outcomes for people with serious mental illness? Rachael Williams Full abstract
EP1D.03 Feasibility and acceptability of integrating case finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety and depression into routine primary care nurse-led long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE Pilot Trial Clare Jinks Full abstract
EP1D.04 Do the smoking status recording and cessation advice indicators in the Quality and Outcomes framework (QOF) mask inequalities in care for patients with serious mental illness? Rachel Foskett-Tharby Full abstract
EP1D.05 Does Pay-for-Performance improve mental health related patient outcomes? The association between quality of Primary Care and suicides in England Christos Grigoroglou Full abstract
EP1D.06 The effects of the 2007-9 financial crisis on mental health in England: a longitudinal analysis of non-suicide mental health trends Ben Amies Full abstract
EP1D.07 Clinicians' perspectives on barriers to access to care for self-harm in Pakistan: a qualitative study. Carolyn Chew-Graham Full abstract
EP1D.08 Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: findings from a multicentre cohort study Denise Kendrick Full abstract
EP1D.09 Older adults self-managing distress: could the Internet help? A qualitative study Alice Moult Full abstract
EP1D.10 The role of secondary care and primary care in service provision for people with severe mental illness: A multi-site cross-sectional observational study Siobhan Reilly Full abstract
EP1E Prescribing 1.15 Michael Moore 11 talks
EP1E.01 Evaluating the support stroke survivors get with daily medication taking in the community: interim results of a primary care survey. Anna de Simoni Full abstract
EP1E.02 REVISIT, the next stage – developing plans for wider application of a retrospective review of prescribing of GPs in Training Richard Knox Full abstract
EP1E.03 The development of practice tools to help reduce the risk of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in primary care Caroline Morris Full abstract
EP1E.04 Is patient activation in the form of a practice mail-out to older people with high-risk prescribing acceptable and useful to patients and doctors? Jenni Burt Full abstract
EP1E.05 Implementing the PINCER intervention in the East Midlands to reduce prescribing errors Sarah Rodgers Full abstract
EP1E.06 Campaign to Reduce Opioid Prescribing Sarah Alderson Full abstract
EP1E.07 Adverse events of fluoroquinolones use in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis Akke Vellinga Full abstract
EP1E.08 Supporting prescribing in older patients with multimorbidity and significant polypharmacy in Irish primary care (SPPiRE): a cluster randomised controlled trial protocol Caroline McCarthy Full abstract
EP1E.09 What are primary care patients’ views of CVD risk management with medicines? Ulrica Dohnhammar Full abstract
EP1E.10 Standardised Chinese herbal medicine for oligomenorrhoea and amenorrhoea in polycystic ovary syndrome: Nominal group technique study Xiao Yang Hu Full abstract
EP1E.11 Science or Magic? Patient attitudes to hypnotherapy as a treatment for refractory Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Matthew Krouwel Full abstract
EP1F Older people 1.03 Tony Avery 9 talks
EP1F.01 How does access to social care influence health care utilisation for older adults? Gemma Spiers Full abstract
EP1F.02 “Working away in that grey area…” A qualitative exploration of General Practitioners’ perspectives on the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia Aisling Jennings Full abstract
EP1F.03 Talking about fitness to drive in patients with cognitive impairment: Current approaches and possible improvement strategies for a general practice setting. Carol Sinnott Full abstract
EP1F.04 Dementia undetected or undiagnosed in primary care: the prevalence, causes and consequences. Clare Aldus Full abstract
EP1F.05 “We got more than we expected.” Exploring older people’s experience of an exercise intervention. A qualitative study. Natasher Lafond Full abstract
EP1F.06 What shapes GPs decisions to pursue a diagnosis of dementia? A qualitative study Shanu Sadhwani Full abstract
EP1F.07 Carer experiences of navigating resources and services for someone with dementia. Dr Kathryn Saunderson Full abstract
EP1F.08 Methodological issues in conducting dementia research in British ethnic minorities: A systematic review Nadine Mirza Full abstract
EP1F.09 Coming Out in General Practice: The Experience of Older LGBT Patients Michael Toze Full abstract

The 4th Helen Lester Memorial Lecture - Mark Gilman

Discovering Health with Meaning and Purpose

Venue: Arts Centre Theatre


Drinks reception and light buffet supper - Mead Gallery at the Arts Centre

Music by the Cut Loose Barbershop Group

Day 2 : Thursday 13th July


5K run - meet in the Piazza by the big TV screen


PHoCuS (primary healthcare scientists) group: breakfast meeting with coffee, tea, pastries and fruit

2A Workforce and education Lecture Theatre Frances Griffiths 6 talks
2A.1 Predictors of international students’ wellbeing: the importance of support Serge Engamba Full abstract
2A.2 Facilitators and barriers to teaching undergraduate medical students in primary care: The GPs’ perspective. John Barber Full abstract
2A.3 The acceptability and suitability of simulated GP consultations as a teaching method for professionalism Neelam Parmar Full abstract
2A.4 Understanding reasons for variation by ethnicity in performance of general practice specialty trainees in the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners’ Applied Knowledge Test: cognitive interview study Dr Julie Pattinson Full abstract
2A.5 Performance of candidates with dyslexia in the Applied Knowledge Test for Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners Zahid Asghar Full abstract
2A.6 GP STARS – trainees’ views about entering the GP workforce Jeremy Dale Full abstract
2B Alternative to face to face 0.12 Brian McKinstry 6 talks
2B.1 A content analysis of email consultations between general practitioners and patients in two general practices Helen Atherton Full abstract
2B.2 The views of staff of a ‘telephone first’ approach in primary care, speaking to a doctor on the telephone first before making a face to face appointment Jennifer Newbould Full abstract
2B.3 The impact of online consultations in primary care: mixed-methods findings of a pilot study from thirty six general practices. Jeremy Horwood Full abstract
2B.4 Who uses WebGP, email, skype or telephone consultations in general practice? Chris Salisbury Full abstract
2B.5 The views of patients on the introduction of a ‘telephone-first’ approach in general practice: speaking to a doctor on the telephone before making a face to face appointment Jennie Corbett Full abstract
2B.6 How does a ‘Telephone first’ approach in primary care, speaking to a doctor on the telephone first before making a face to face appointment impact patient experience, practice workload and secondary care utilisation? Gary Abel Full abstract
2C CVD and infections 0.14 David Fitzmaurice 6 talks
2C.1 Opportunistic detection of atrial fibrillation using the Mydiagnostick: a mixed methods evaluation. Jo Gibson Full abstract
2C.2 The realities of primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in general practice: A qualitative study using reflective diary and focus group methods. Joanna Sheldon Full abstract
2C.3 Heart Failure and Multimorbidity in Australian General Practice Clare Taylor Full abstract
2C.4 The impact of the national antimicrobial stewardship programmes on clinical outcomes: a baseline trend analysis Paul Aylin Full abstract
2C.5 ATAFUTI: Alternative Treatments of Adult Female Urinary Tract Infection: a double blind, placebo controlled, factorial randomised trial of Uva ursi and open pragmatic trial of ibuprofen Michael Moore Full abstract
2C.6 Can a complex intervention based on education and a risk prediction tool increase case finding and engagement with treatment for Hepatitis C - interim results of a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care Kirsty Roberts Full abstract
2D Cancer 1.13 Richard Byng 6 talks
2D.1 The role of missing stage and chance in performance indicators for cancer stage at diagnosis: Cross-sectional analysis of population-based data for general practices, local authorities and care commissioning organisations in England Gary Abel Full abstract
2D.2 Exploring Service User and practitioner perspectives of QCancer use in primary care consultations Joseph Akanuwe Full abstract
2D.3 Identifying opportunities for earlier diagnosis of myeloma Constantinos Koshiaris Full abstract
2D.4 The qualitative component of the ‘WICKED’ (Wales Interventions and Cancer Knowledge about Early Diagnosis) programme: The development and evaluation of primary care interventions to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer in Wales Julia Hiscock Full abstract
2D.5 Improving persistent adherence to colorectal cancer screening in primary care by telephone reminders and SMS: a randomized controlled trial Martin CS Wong Full abstract
2D.6 Safety in primary care relating to melanoma diagnosis – what can we learn from interviews with patients recently diagnosed with melanoma? Nadia Llanwarne Full abstract
2E Young people 1.15 Anne Slowther 6 talks
2E.1 The experience of young people in patient and public involvement (PPI) for palliative care research Sarah Mitchell Full abstract
2E.2 Alcohol use, cigarette smoking, vaping, and association with number of sexual partners: questionnaire survey of 509 young, multi-ethnic, inner city students Rosie Bartholomew Full abstract
2E.3 Contraception Choices: design and development of an interactive website Julia Bailey Full abstract
2E.4 Can an intervention delivered by text messages targetting safer sex behaviours be acceptable to young people and effective? Ona McCarthy Full abstract
2E.5 Self-harm among adolescents: A primary care perspective on incidence, clinical-management and mortality risk Catharine Morgan Full abstract
2E.6 Changing patterns of substances involved in poisonings among young people in England: a large population based cohort study Edward Tyrrell Full abstract
2F Postgraduate Masterclass 1.03 Sophie Park 1 talk
2F.1 Postgraduate Masterclass: Educational Research in Primary Care Sophie Park Full abstract

COFFEE BREAK including PHoCuS gathering over coffee (Room 0.12) and poster viewing (posters on display throughout the conference in the first floor foyers to the Lecture Theatre)


Distinguished papers session

Chairs: Kate O'Donnell and Jeremy Dale

Most Distinguished Papers from Australia, USA and Yvonne Carter Award

AAAPC – John Furler, University of Melbourne, Australia

Overcoming clinical inertia in primary care based transition to insulin to improve outcomes in type 2 diabetes: Results of the Stepping Up cluster randomised controlled trial

NAPCRG – Gayle Halas, University of Manitoba, Canada

"Pretty Radical From What I've Known".  The Dissonance and Distance Underlying Patients' Cognitive Engagement with Educational Health Information

Yvonne Carter Award for Outstanding New Researcher 2017 - Nathan Davies, University College London

 Managing challenges and uncertainty in end of life care for people with dementia


SAPC AGM and latest developments


Plenary 2 - Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of RCGP

Chair: Helen Atherton

3A Prescribing 0.12 Robert Walton 6 talks
3A.1 Prescribing for people with type 2 diabetes and renal impairment in Australian general practice: A national cross sectional study Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis Full abstract
3A.2 Effect on hypnotic prescribing of a quality improvement collaborative for primary care of insomnia: a segmented regression analysis Murray Smith Full abstract
3A.3 Identifying essential components of an antidepressant deprescribing intervention Jane Gunn Full abstract
3A.4 Opioid prescribing for chronic musculoskeletal pain Tomi Ashaye Full abstract
3A.5 Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Study (CHIPPS). Feasibility Study early experiences Christine Bond Full abstract
3A.6 Does co-prescription of benzodiazepines, z-drugs or gabapentinoids increase mortality risk in injection drug users prescribed opiate substitution therapy? John Macleod Full abstract
3B Ageing and frailty 0.14 Umesh Chauhan 6 talks
3B.1 Acceptability and feasibility of a walking intervention to increase physical activity in older people with pain. Preliminary results of the IPOPP Pilot Trial Clare Jinks Full abstract
3B.2 The Patient Frailty Informing Stratified Healthcare Study (Pfish) Stephen Pye Full abstract
3B.3 The Newcastle 85+ study: health care use by the very old increase as they age - true or false? Louise Robinson Full abstract
3B.4 Designing new health promotion services for older people with mild frailty: What should we include? Rachael Frost Full abstract
3B.5 Feasibility and acceptability of a new home-based health promotion intervention for older people with mild frailty: Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial Rachel Frost Full abstract
3B.6 End of life care for liver disease: A qualitative study with general practitioners. Helen Jarvis Full abstract
3C Mental health Lecture Theatre Emma Scott 6 talks
3C.1 CANCELLED - What is the clinical effectiveness of an ultra-brief intervention for common mental health syndromes in primary care ? : a randomized controlled trial. Tony Dowell Full abstract
3C.2 Developing a collaborative care model for people with severe mental illness: intervention theory development Richard Byng Full abstract
3C.3 Psychosocial Interventions for Common Mental disorders in British South Asians: Systematic Review Waquas Waheed Full abstract
3C.4 The CASPER+ trial: is collaborative care clinically effective and cost effective for older adults with depression in primary care? Simon Gilbody Full abstract
3C.5 Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of collaborative care for older people with depression: qualitative evaluation within the CASPERplus trial Anna Taylor Full abstract
3C.6 What do GPs need to know about dementia? A triangulated,qualitative study of GPs’ dementia-care educational needs. Tony Foley Full abstract
3D Primary care workforce 1.13 Ashley Pickworth 6 talks
3D.1 The development and evaluation of peer-facilitated practice-based dementia workshops for GPs Tony Foley Full abstract
3D.2 Strategies to advance and support family medicine researchers in Canada: Lessons from our first five year “Blueprint” Wendy V. Norman Full abstract
3D.3 Primary care workforce: How can we identify those general practices at risk of a supply demand imbalance? Gary Abel Full abstract
3D.4 "My world is broken and it will never be the same". Sexual abuse of doctors, by doctors: professionalism, trauma and the potential for healing. Louise Stone Full abstract
3D.5 Barriers and facilitators to help-seeking for distressed GPs: a qualitative study Johanna Spiers Full abstract
3D.6 Quitting patient care and career break intentions among general practitioners in South West England: findings of a census survey of GPs. John Campbell Full abstract
3E Respiratory 1.15 Sally Hull 6 talks
3E.1 The common bond of a shared disease in the lay health worker (LHW) and patient relationship promoting PR in COPD: a qualitative study. Patrick White Full abstract
3E.2 Supporting COPD patients to access pulmonary rehabilitation with lay health workers: a feasibility study Patrick White Full abstract
3E.3 A systematic review of children with asthma aged 5-12 to identify and weight indicators of risk of asthma exacerbations Steven Julious Full abstract
3E.4 Respiratory effect of beta-blockers in people with asthma and cardiovascular disease: population based nested case control study Daniel Morales Full abstract
3E.5 Exploring the reasons why children with asthma may have unscheduled medical contacts after their return to school in September – Qualitative Study Rebecca Simpson Full abstract
3E.6 CANCELLED - What is the presentation and service utilisation of childhood respiratory illness in primary care? Tony Dowell Full abstract
3F Workshop 2 - Critical appraisal and peer review 1.03 Roger Jones and Euan Lawson 1 talk
3F.1 Workshop 2: Critical appraisal and peer review: an introduction Roger Jones, Euan Lawson Full abstract
EP2A Cancer and high risk groups 0.14 Brian Nicholson 11 talks
EP2A.01 Why do people with terminal cancer use unscheduled care? Sarah Mills Full abstract
EP2A.02 The relationship between body mass index and colorectal neoplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Martin CS Wong Full abstract
EP2A.03 The Relationship between Distal Hyperplastic Polyp and Proximal Colorectal Neoplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Jason Liwen Huang Full abstract
EP2A.04 Lung Cancer Screening: Is a positive result and a diagnosis of pulmonary nodules associated with a negative psychological impact? Marcia Clark Full abstract
EP2A.05 What factors influence access by new migrant and BME women to NHS cervical screening? Has the screening programme been adapted to improve uptake for these groups of women? A systematic narrative metasynthesis. Rebecca Mawson Full abstract
EP2A.06 Interventions for adults with intellectual disabilities who are obese Alison Doherty Full abstract
EP2A.07 Needs versus rights: moral understandings of primary care workers in Belgium regarding access to healthcare for undocumented migrants Dirk Lafaut Full abstract
EP2A.08 A national cohort study of serial missed appointments in general practice- health outcomes, utilisation and social vulnerability. Andrea E Williamson or David A Ellis Full abstract
EP2A.09 What do patients accessing a specialist homeless GP service in Glasgow ALWAYS want to happen when they attend? Marianne McCallum Full abstract
EP2A.10 The use of hospital care by people with intellectual disabilities in England Jessie O Oyinlola Full abstract
EP2A.11 The physical and mental health of substance misuse patients: A cross-sectional prevalence study in an inner city population Shaine Mehta Full abstract
EP2B Self management 0.12 Richard McManus 11 talks
EP2B.01 Empowering Patients to better blood pressure control: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Views, Practice and Response to Self-Blood Pressure Monitoring Sau Nga Fu Full abstract
EP2B.02 Do Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension Sustain High Quality Self-Blood Pressure Monitoring after an Interactive Workshop Sau Nga Fu Full abstract
EP2B.03 Improving the Wellbeing of people with Opioid Treated CHronic pain – The I-WOTCH Study Dr Harbinder Sandhu Full abstract
EP2B.04 A systematic review of the evidence of the effectiveness of community-based interventions to support self-management among primary care COPD patients Elizabeth Bates Full abstract
EP2B.05 Could an intervention to improve self-management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in primary care be delivered through Shared Medical Appointments (SMA)? A feasibility study. Oladapo J. Ogunbayo Full abstract
EP2B.06 How accurate are home blood pressure monitors used by patients ? James Hodgkinson Full abstract
EP2B.07 Cultural adaptation of Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids: a weight management programme for fathers of primary school aged children Professor Kate Jolly Full abstract
EP2B.08 Development of an educational and self-management intervention for chronic headache - CHRONIC HEADACHE EDUCATION AND SELF-MANAGEMENT STUDY (CHESS). Rachel Potter Full abstract
EP2B.09 Whose interests are represented in the concept of healthcare utilisation? Jens Foell Full abstract
EP2B.10 General practice staff and patient perceptions of patient involvement in improving safety in primary care Anu Vaittinen Full abstract
EP2B.11 Non-pharmacological self-management with CBT, Patient Education, Mindfulness and Relaxation for Migraine and Tension-Type Headache: A Systematic Review Martin Underwood Full abstract
EP2C Long term conditions 1.13 Hazel Everitt 11 talks
EP2C.01 Prognostic factors for chronic headache – a systematic review Can we identify factors predicting prognosis and influencing response to preventive interventions for chronic headache? Martin Underwood Full abstract
EP2C.02 How can we facilitate mutual support for mental wellbeing between people living with chronic physical conditions and their supporters? Gemma-Claire Ali Full abstract
EP2C.03 A person centred approach to managing pain: bridging mental and physical health Victoria Tzortziou Brown Full abstract
EP2C.04 The natural history of flare-ups in knee osteoarthritis: descriptive findings from a prospective daily diary study Emma Parry Full abstract
EP2C.05 What is it like for patients living with chronic headache? A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies Vivien Nichols Full abstract
EP2C.06 Development and validation of a chronic headache classification interview - CHRONIC HEADACHE EDUCATION AND SELF-MANAGEMENT STUDY (CHESS). Rachel Potter Full abstract
EP2C.07 Acceptability of feasibility of an intervention to increase physical activity in older adults with chronic pain: Health Care Assistants’ views in the iPOPP pilot trial. Clare Jinks Full abstract
EP2C.08 The Effect of CBT, GET and Pacing Treatments on ME/CFS Symptoms: Analysis of a Patient Survey compared against Secondary Surveys Dr Keith Geraghty or Dr Stoyan Kurtev Full abstract
EP2C.09 Patient preferences for management of co-morbid anxiety and depression in rheumatoid arthritis : a qualitative study Dr Annabelle Machin Full abstract
EP2C.10 Developing a complex multi-modal self-management behaviour change intervention for Improving the Wellbeing of people with Opioid-Treated CHronic pain: which theories, processes and materials are required? Dr Alison Hipwell Full abstract
EP2C.11 What is the effect of co-morbid depression on the use of unscheduled hospital care by people with a long term condition? Dr Caroline Anne Mitchell Full abstract
EP2D Methodology 1.03 Matt Ridd 11 talks
EP2D.01 Research Activity and Quality Indicators in Primary Care – Is there a correlation? Helen Riding Full abstract
EP2D.02 Quantifying clustering by GP practice in individually randomised trials in primary care Taeko Becque Full abstract
EP2D.03 Impact of measurement error and sample size on the performance of multivariable risk prediction models: a simulation study Maria Vazquez-Montes Full abstract
EP2D.04 Development of a multi-Sexually transmitted infections decision modelling tool for use by health care professionals, policy makers and analysts. Fabian Sailer Full abstract
EP2D.05 Recruitment of women with a Urinary Tract Infection to a herbal IMP trial in Primary Care: Challenges encountered (based on the ATAFUTI Trial) and recommendations for future recruitment for studies of acute conditions. Catherine Simpson Full abstract
EP2D.06 The accuracy of death dates recorded in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Amelia Harshfield Full abstract
EP2D.07 Exploring successful recruitment to CONTACT in CRN Wessex: randomised pragmatic clinical trial of low-dose Colchicine Or Naproxen Treatment for ACute gouT Olga Zolle Full abstract
EP2D.08 Can we distinguish variation in referral thresholds from variation in referral accuracy? Chris Burton Full abstract
EP2D.09 User testing for ethnic minorities to improve the cultural sensitivity of information sheet in clinical research Yumna Masood Full abstract
EP2D.10 Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in TANDEM: A Tailored intervention for ANxiety and DEpression Management in COPD Stephanie Taylor Full abstract
EP2D.11 Bereavement support in Primary Care: a neglected, difficult and sensitive research area - Testing a novel recruitment method for recently bereaved people in the community Pia Thiemann Full abstract
EP2E Public health and global health Lecture Theatre Paramjit Gill 12 talks
EP2E.01 Are interventions delivered by mobile phone effective in targeting behavioural risk factors for non-communicable diseases? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Melissa Palmer Full abstract
EP2E.02 The Relationship of Multimorbidity, Socio-economic Deprivation and Mortality: Findings from UK Biobank Cohort Bhautesh Jani Full abstract
EP2E.03 Attitude of Primary Healthcare Workers with Influenza Vaccination Hesitancy towards the Strategies to Increase Vaccine Uptake Rate Man Chi Dao Full abstract
EP2E.04 Improving effectiveness of Community Health Workers in Low and Middle Income Countries through the provision of resources for their use: a systematic review David Pollock Full abstract
EP2E.05 Assessing NHS stop smoking service engagement in community pharmacies using actors Dr Sandra Jumbe Full abstract
EP2E.06 What is the most effective model for deployment of community health workers in under-served communities in South Africa? The Bathlokomedi project Frances Griffiths Full abstract
EP2E.07 Can a Conceptual Model Describe the Relationships between Health Determinants, Healthcare and Health Outcomes from a Population Perspective? Levene Full abstract
EP2E.08 Mulberry-Extract Improves Glucose Tolerance and Decreases Insulin Concentrations in Normoglycaemic Adults: Results of a Randomised Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study Mark Lown Full abstract
EP2E.09 Interpreting population reach of a large, successful physical activity trial delivered through primary care Sally Kerry Full abstract
EP2E.10 Attitudes and behaviours towards tobacco cessation among general practice doctors: a cross-sectional study. Faraz Mughal Full abstract
EP2E.11 Primary care interventions to reduce secondhand smoke exposure: a mixed methods systematic review and synthesis Jaidev Kaur Full abstract
EP2E.12 Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Disease : awareness and practice among doctors working in public General Out-Patient Clinics in Kowloon West Cluster of Hong Kong Tse Sut Yee Full abstract
EP2F Organisation policy and PROMS 1.15 Jeremy Dale 8 talks
EP2F.01 Can the QOF help us realise the aims of the Five Year Forward View? Lindsay Forbes Full abstract
EP2F.02 Enablers of and barriers to change in primary care: a process evaluation of an adaptable guideline implementation strategy Cheryl Hunter Full abstract
EP2F.03 Predicting surgical intervention in patients presenting with carpal tunnel syndrome in primary care Claire Burton Full abstract
EP2F.04 Implementing Prudent Healthcare Principles in Wales; what is the role of Primary Care? Dr Samia Addis Full abstract
EP2F.05 Perspectives of patients and professionals on the use of patient-reported outcome measures in primary care: a systematic review of qualitative studies Dr Ian Porter Full abstract
EP2F.06 What are the health-related quality of life SF-6D scores of the smokers with or without respiratory symptoms, and those who have stopped smoking? Sau Nga Fu Full abstract
EP2F.07 Exploration of the nature and sources of harm in primary care based on patient-reported experiences: a mixed-methods cross-sectional study using data from the Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care questionnaire. Jose M Valderas Full abstract
EP2F.08 Patient reported outcomes (PROMs) based recommendation in the clinical guidance for the management of chronic conditions in the United Kingdom Ian Porter Full abstract

Sculpture walk - meet at the registration desk at 17:30


SAPC Ambassadors gathering in Room 0.12


Conference dinner at Wroxall Abbey Hotel and Estate - coaches will depart at 19:00 from the coach park near Bluebell Hall



Day 3 : Friday 14th July


Plenary 3 - Professor Louise Robinson, University of Newcastle

Dementia and research into practice; what a difference a decade makes!

Chair: Jeremy Dale

4A Skin 0.14 Nick Francis 4 talks
4A.1 How effective and cost-effective is silk therapeutic clothing for the management of eczema in children (results of the CLOTHES randomised controlled trial) Kim Thomas Full abstract
4A.2 A comparison of emollient prescribing guidelines for atopic eczema and other dry skin conditions across Clinical Commissioning Groups in England. Jonathan Chan Full abstract
4A.3 Barriers to self-management of paediatric eczema in primary care: GP and parent factors Kingsley Powell Full abstract
4A.4 Views and experiences of seeking information and help for vitiligo: a qualitative study of written accounts Emma Teasdale Full abstract
4B Polypharmacy 0.12 Mark Ashworth 4 talks
4B.1 Polypharmacy, patient or practice? A multilevel analysis of the association between patient activation and polypharmacy Robert Williamson Full abstract
4B.2 Examining Risks of Adverse Drug Reactions in Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A UK Biobank Study Peter Hanlon Full abstract
4B.3 Polypharmacy patterns in the last year of life in patients with dementia Rupert Payne Full abstract
4B.4 Translating ‘practice into evidence’: why polypharmacy research needs ethnography Deborah Swinglehurst Full abstract
4C Long term conditions Lecture Theatre Dan Lasserson 4 talks
4C.1 The SNAP-HT Trial: self-management of antihypertensive medication postpartum - can women do it better? Richard McManus Full abstract
4C.2 Patient self-management in primary care patients with MRC I/II COPD - a randomised controlled trial of telephone health coaching Kate Jolly Full abstract
4C.3 Systematic review of the applicability to real-world populations of randomised controlled trial evidence of treatments for physical health conditions Bruce Guthrie Full abstract
4C.4 Patient Centred Assessment Method (PCAM): Experiences of adding the Psychosocial to the Clinical in Annual Reviews for patients with Long Term Conditions in Primary Care: A Process Evaluation of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial. Stewart Mercer Full abstract
4D Musculoskeletal 1.13 Jo Protheroe 3 talks
4D.1 Can risk stratification be applied to common musculoskeletal conditions? Refinement and validation of the Keele STarT MSK tool Paul Campbell Full abstract
4D.2 Patterns of musculoskeletal consultations in paediatric patients in primary care over 8 years Nuthana Prathivadi Bhayankaram Full abstract
4D.3 Prognostic factors associated with incident primary hip and knee arthroplasty: findings from Record-Wide Association Study (ReWAS) within the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Dahai Yu Full abstract
WK6 SCHEDULE CHANGE - Workshop 6 1.03 See facilitators 1 talk
WK6.1 WK 6: SAPC Research Potential – Choosing GP Lindsey Pope, Hugh Alberti, Alexandra Davidson Full abstract
WK4 Workshop 4 1.15 See facilitators 1 talk
WK4.1 WK 4: What’s worth hanging on to in UK general practice? Jess Drinkwater, George Freeman, Joanne Reeve Full abstract


EP3A Multimorbidity and end of life care Lecture Theatre Chris Salisbury 11 talks
EP3A.01 Socio-demographic and lifestyle determinants of multimorbidity ten years later in older people: a prospective cohort study Jose M Valderas Full abstract
EP3A.02 Multimorbidity care model: Recommendations from the consensus meeting of the Joint Action on Chronic Diseases and Promoting Healthy Ageing across the Life Cycle (JA-CHRODIS) Jose M Valderas Full abstract
EP3A.03 Is telephone health coaching a useful population health strategy for supporting older people with multimorbidity? Pete Bower Full abstract
EP3A.04 Can we develop interventions facilitating mutual support for mental wellbeing between service users and supporters living with any chronic physical condition? Gemma-Claire Ali Full abstract
EP3A.05 Improving clinical decisions and multidisciplinary team-working with older adults with multimorbidity? Co-designing a facilitated education programme. Bronwyn Harris Full abstract
EP3A.06 Comorbidities in adults with asthma: population-based cross-sectional analysis Daniel Morales Full abstract
EP3A.07 Palliative care in general practice: what do patients want? A systematic review of the literature Dr Emilie Green Full abstract
EP3A.08 How well do out of hours (OOH) clinicians recognise the end of life? A population based study of OOH service contacts in the last 30 days of life. Gail Hayward Full abstract
EP3A.10 Why develop a Primary Palliative Care Research Network? Sarah Mitchell Full abstract
EP3A.11 How can we best support family carers to care for their relatives at end of life? Nina Walker Full abstract
EP3A.12 Recognising Sepsis in the Older Patient; An interview study with GPs Sara McKelvie Full abstract
EP3B Education and workforce 0.12 Joe Rosenthal 10 talks
EP3B.01 Is distress in physicians associated with reduced patient safety? Findings of systematic review and meta-analysis MARIA PANAGIOTI Full abstract
EP3B.02 Evaluation and Development of a New Community Based Medicine attachment at The University of Nottingham Medical School Charlotte Camm Full abstract
EP3B.03 How do medical students and GP trainees differ in their approach to learning and perception of a simulated general practice programme? Dr Russell Hearn Full abstract
EP3B.04 GP Specialty Trainees (GPSTs) as Teachers – a cross-institutional analysis Liza Kirtchuk, Kerry Boardman Full abstract
EP3B.05 Early undergraduate Primary Care training: Medical Students’ attitudes towards increasing clinical exposure Charlotte Camm Full abstract
EP3B.06 Mapping the thinkable: ways of characterising and researching general practice placements Sophie Park Full abstract
EP3B.07 Longitudinal Clerkships in the Medical School Curriculum Jenny Blythe Full abstract
EP3B.08 Can shorter Longitudinal Integrated Celerkships achieve the same educational outcomes? alex harding Full abstract
EP3B.09 What are the barriers and facilitators to the integration of Physician Associates into the General Practice workforce? Dr Ben Jackson Full abstract
EP3B.10 Practice nurse perspectives of role extension including diagnostic work in long term conditions; a qualitative meta-synthesis Valerie Tan Full abstract
EP3C Children and young people 1.13 Miriam Santer 6 talks
EP3C.01 WITHDRAWN - The provision of long-acting reversible contraception and teenage pregnancy rates – a primary care mapping exercise in Sheffield. Rebecca Mawson Full abstract
EP3C.02 Antibiotic prescribing in children in primary care: balancing interests of key ‘players’ Benedict Hayhoe Full abstract
EP3C.03 Is there a gap between the demand for and the availability of specialist services for paediatric allergy in the West Midlands? Lavanya Diwakar Full abstract
EP3C.04 GPs' experience of diagnosing and managing eczema in children: qualitative study Emma Le Roux Full abstract
EP3C.05 Understanding the key influences on parents seeking health care for children experiencing acute illness: Paired qualitative and quantitative systematic reviews Leah Bowen Full abstract
EP3C.06 How many tonsillectomies are necessary? An eleven year retrospective cohort study of indications and eligibility for childhood tonsillectomy in UK primary care Dana Sumilo Full abstract
WK5 Workshop 5 0.14 See facilitators 1 talk
WK5.1 WK 5: How can medical schools improve recruitment and retention of GPs teaching medical students in General Practices? John Barber, Hugh Alberti, Bob McKinley Full abstract
WK7 Workshop 7 1.03 See facilitators 1 talk
WK7.1 WK 7: Supporting high quality research using electronic health data from multiple GP software systems Daniel Dedman, Helen Strongman, Helen Booth, Rachael Williams Full abstract
EP3E Workshop 6 - moved to 09:55-10:55 Talks TBC

Closing session

Chair: Joanne Reeve

Presentations of distinction: the highest scoring abstracts:

12:25 The potential of alternatives to face to face consultation ... Helen Atherton 

12.:40 Developing a measure of appropriate polypharmacy in primary care ... Jenni Burt

13:55 Dangerous ideas II: Throwing down a gauntlet - chaired by Bob McKinley

13:20 Prize giving

13:25 ASM 2018 presentation - Queen Mary University of London

13:30 Close


WK8 Workshop 8 1.03 see faciitators 1 talk
WK8.1 Online patients' communities in primary care research: ethics and research methods Anna De Simoni Full abstract
WK9 Doctoral Masterclass 1.15 See panel 1 talk
WK9.1 Doctoral masterclass Joanne Reeve, Dan Lasserson, Helen Atherton Full abstract


Ramphal Building
University of Warwick

Conference registration and sessions will take place in the Ramphal Building on the University of Warwick campus (download the map). The campus is 4 miles from the centre of Coventry.  Free parking is available on campus for delegates, there is a link to obtain a parking permit in your registration confirmation.


Please book via Jayne in the Accommodation Reservations Office on or via phone on 024 765 23338 - SAPC rooms are in Bluebell or James Martin Halls but these Halls cannot be guaranteed for bookings made after 3rd July.  

Shortlist of hotels closest to campus.

Travelling to the conference

The University of Warwick is easy to reach by plane, train or car. 

The nearest airport is Birmingham International where there is a train station with direct links to Coventry which is the nearest railway station to the University. The University is located on the outskirts of Coventry, 3 miles from the city centre.

Directions to the University

Car parking is available to registered conference delegates.  A link to obtain a free pass is available in both registration acknowledgements and accommodation confirmations. You do not have to be staying overnight on campus to obtain a parking permit.

Getting to the University by bus from local areas including Coventry Station

Links to information about places nearby

Cafes, bars, restaurants on campus

Bus information from the campus - ensure you have some change for the bus

Kenilworth is the closest to the campus

Leamington Spa:

Kenilworth: website

Earlsdon (in Coventry): website



Conference team