Useful Information

The SAPC Dangerous Ideas Soapbox

At a time of significant change and challenge in the world of primary care, we need critical creative ideas to help find solutions. SAPC has recognised the need to expand the capacity for blue sky thinking and basic research in primary care. Conferences offer a key opportunity to bring people together – to create a ‘festival for ideas’, stimulating new conversations and new thoughts as well as critiques of existing ideas. So in 2012, SAPC launched its Dangerous Ideas Soapbox - drawing inspiration from the model started at the Sydney Opera House and St James Ethics Centre which brings speakers...

Academic Primary Care - Now More Than Ever

Strong primary care delivers better outcomes at lower cost with greater equity. Academic Primary Care underpins the sustained delivery and improvement of primary care. We need strong Academic Primary Care, Now More Than Ever.

SAPC: Developing a strategic plan

Academic primary care offers solutions to the complex problems facing today's primary care. In 2013, SAPC set out a new strategic plan to maximise the impact of our discipline in driving improvement in primary care through scholarship.

Our Position Statement

Our unique discipline brings together teachers, researchers, and practitioners from a range of disciplinary backgrounds to promote excellence in the development, delivery and evaluation of primary care policy and practice.

Blue sky research for primary care

Basic research in primary care develops the conceptual understanding of the content processes organisation and outcomes of primary care. Professor Watt's report describes why it matters. SAPC response describes the challenges for the APC community to make it happen.

A short history of Academic General Practice in UK medical schools 1948-2000

This anthology describes the vision, struggles and successors of those whose pioneering work established the discipline of academic General Practice and then Primary Care in the UK. It is the first collective record of the evolution of general medical practice as an academic discipline in over half a century.

New Century, New Challenges

A report summarising recent developments in academic general practice and primary care in medical schools in the United Kingdom. It considers the challenges facing departments of general practice and primary care, and how further investment in these departments could help to address major challenges facing academic medicine and the health service.

Abstract review: examining inter-rater agreement

Selecting a programme for an academic conference is crucial to maximise the usefulness and impact of the meeting . SAPC uses a transparent process of abstract selection – a process informed by critical review.
