Five things you might not know about Academic Primary Care

1. Around half of primary care academics don't have a clinical background

We are a multidisciplinary discipline, bringing together clinicians and a range of academics who all share a goal of advancing primary care through education and research.

2. Academic primary care is integral to the delivery and development of high quality primary care

We train the people who deliver primary care, providing the only generalist undergraduate training and making a significant contribution to postgraduate training. We provide the evidence base that underpins the distinct model of care that is primary care. We provide key leadership roles in the delivery and development of current and future primary care services. Read more.

3. We can be found in all of the 34 medical schools in the UK

And in a number of other universities too. A full list is here.

4. Academic Primary Care is a distinct discipline providing the evidence which supports the essential components of primary care

Strong primary care delivers efficient, effective, equitable health care. Academic primary care delivers both the blue sky and applied research that supports the continued development and delivery of the core elements of primary care: continuous, comprehensive, accessible, coordinated person-centred care.

5. Academic Primary Care is supported by one of the largest academic support groups - the Society for Academic Primary Care

SAPC has over 700 members from across the discipline, and from around the world. We work to raise the profile and impact of the discipline, as well as support the careers of primary care academics.