Reflections on a wonderful Annual Scientific Meeting

As incoming Chair of SAPC, I would like to reflect on what was a very successful ASM in Exeter. Thank you to Professors John Campbell, Jose Valderas, Willie Hamilton and their organising team for putting on a great event in glorious surroundings – and the sun helped!

There were a number of highlights for me – firstly the Helen Lester Memorial Lecture given by Professor Gene Feder OBE (University of Bristol) presenting his programme of work on domestic violence. The second highlight was joining in the ‘NHS Big Cuppa’, on Friday 5th July, raising money for NHS charities. We raised £53.44, so thank you everyone who contributed.

My first role as Chair of SAPC was to present the prizes on the final day of the ASM. We had a new award this year ‘Principal Investigator’, for senior academics nominated by their research team, and judged by members of the SAPC Executive team. Professor Christian Mallen (Keele University) was a worthy winner. His envelope was collected by Dr James Prior, who also came up onto the stage in his own right to collect the Senior prize for distinguished presentation slot at AAAPC (Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care). Professor Deborah Swinglehurst (Queen Mary University, London) was awarded the Senior prize to enable her to present at NAPCRG (North America Primary Care Research Group). Other prize winners can be found here

Dr Katrina Turner and I hosted the inaugural meeting of the Mental Health Special Interest Group (SIG) – we had vibrant discussion and made plans for taking the group forwards (note to self – write up and circulate notes…..). We have an increasing number of SIGs, details of which can be found at here. I would encourage you to look at the list – there will be something for you.

Finally, can I make a plea to you all to join SAPC, if you are not already a member, renew your membership if it has lapsed, and encourage your colleagues to pay subscriptions – which are absolutely vital to keep SAPC afloat.

Finally, I would like to say how privileged and honoured I feel to be SAPC Chair for the next three years, and look forward to working with all of you, and seeing you in Leeds in 2020 .@Twoot17. I will be attending all the regional meetings over the next couple of years – so hope to catch up then.
