Career Support

Career Support

SAPC has instigated a number of initiatves to support the careers of primary care academics involved in education and/or research. We have groups dedicated to supporting the needs of academic GPs, non-clinical members (Primary Healthcare Scientists - PHoCuS members), Early Career Academics, We run career development workshops, a mentorship scheme, as well as offering a range of prizes. The SAPC Ambassador role is relatively recent and offers opportunities for people to join the work we are doing whilst developing new skills and career opportunities.

Applying for a fellowship?

Fellowships are one route to developing a research portfolio towards becoming a leader in health research. They can be a useful way of funding people’s time, research projects and training development. Fellowships are available from a range of funders to support people at different points in their research path. Fellowship support Talking to people who have been through the process of applying and being awarded fellowships as well as talking to people who have helped others develop applications may help you to avoid the common pitfalls and demystify the process. SAPC PHoCuS members have been...