2022 Annual Report Mental Health


Primary Care Mental Health conference 25th May 2022 – online – organised by University of Manchester. Blog written for SAPC website.

SIG meeting at SAPC ASM, UCLAN July 2022.

Contributions to NIHR SPCR-funded workshops.

Twitter activity around ASM, mental health awareness week and world mental health day.

Regular quarterly meetings online with all members (current membership = 52)


Future plans:

Continue regular online meetings with members – offering opportunities for ECRs to present; offering support and networking.

Primary Care MH conference May 2023 (led by Bristol – Turner, Kessler and Wiles)

SIG Meeting at SAPC ASM 2023


Evidence of impact:

Increasing membership

Members say they value the opportunity to present informally at SIG meetings and receive feedback and support from peers

Members e-introducing colleagues working in common areas

Members signposting others to articles, mental health conferences and the SPCR workshops.

Individuals identifying collaborators to work on research grant applications.


How affiliation with SAPC has helped the SIG:

Support for Primary Care MH conference 2022.

Links with other SIGs eg dental; medicines optimisation.

Disseminating information to all SAPC members about the group and future meetings.