NHS England
We are responsible for the stewardship of £99 billion of public funds to provide comprehensive health and care services available to all, where there is clinical need and regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.
We are custodians of the values of the NHS Constitution, committed to putting patients at the heart of everything we do, promoting transparency and accountability of our work to citizens, and ensuring the most efficient, fair and inclusive use of finite taxpayer resources.
We empower and support clinical leaders at every level of the NHS through clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), networks and senates, in NHS England itself and in providers, helping them to make genuinely informed decisions, spend the taxpayers’ money wisely and provide high quality services.
Engaging with our staff is equally important to us too. Our staff are what makes NHS England an excellent organisation: an exemplar in customer focus, professionalism, rigour and creativity.
At NHS England, we practice what we preach. By working collaboratively and building coalitions with partners everywhere we can achieve greater things together and deliver the best patient service not only in England but in the world.