Setting up a Primary care Academic Collaborative for Trainees (PACT): Sharing ideas for a proof of concept study

Talk Code: 
Polly Duncan
Debbie Sharp, Rupert Payne, Jessica Watson, Sam Merriel, Ebrahim Mulla, Dipesh Gopal, Ian Bennett-Britton, Sam Hodgson

Polly Duncan is an NIHR In-Practice Fellow in Bristol and Chair of PACT – a UK-wide network of GP trainees and First5 GPs tasked with collectively designing and taking part in large-scale high impact research projects. The workshop is an exciting opportunity to share ideas for a pilot study to test the PACT model.  

The pilot study will focus on housebound patients and the purpose of the workshop is to tease out the important research questions for this group of patients and to brainstorm how we can answer these questions using the PACT model.  There is potential to combine methods (e.g. a search of the electronic GP record, a case-note review of consultation entries, patient surveys and practice surveys) to yield rich information about this under-researched group of patients and the type of care they are getting from their GP practices.  The workshop will provide an opportunity to think through some of the potential challenges, such as how to identify housebound patients, and the question of ‘What’s in it for the trainee?’

Intended audience: 

GP trainees, GP ACFs, First5 GPs, senior academic GPs