RCGP Call for bids - programme evaluation

The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has been commissioned by NHS England to accredit GP practices as 'veteran friendly'. Being accredited means that a practice can better identify and treat veterans, refer them, where appropriate, to dedicated NHS services. It also means that the NHS is better able to meet the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant, whereby the Armed Forces community, including veterans, should face no disadvantage in accessing health services and should receive priority care for military attributable conditions, subject to clinical need. 

The Programme is now into its second year of three with a 6 month “pause” as a result of the ongoing COVID Epidemic. More than 800 Practices have been accredited across England. Details of the Programme (including accredited Practices) can be found at: Veteran friendly GP practices (rcgp.org.uk)

The Programme is part of NHS 10 years Plan[i] and has had positive comments by House of Commons Defence Committee[ii]. The Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report highlighted the programme[iii]. There is no doubt that ensuring that GPs have a good understanding of the needs of veterans is of national importance.

Veterans Friendly GP Practice Programme Evaluation

The Programme is in the second year (of 3) of this work and the RCGP needs to evaluate the work. The evaluation results will inform and pave the way for project improvement, give feedback on the work ensuring that opportunities can be used to good effect for the remaining time of the Programme. Of particular interest will be responses to the question, “what has been the impact to the Practice by being accredited as veteran friendly”? The results of the evaluation will be used for a critical reflection and will be published on the RCGP website.

Contact for information 

Erica Albini or Hayley Dunn


Below is an estimated timetable for this programme:



Closing time and date for bid submission

16:00, 26 February 2021

Interview shortlisted candidates

W/C: 8 March 2021

Preferred bidder notified

W/C: 15 March 2021

Contract signatures

22 March 2021

Project start date

5 April 2021

Project Complete

31 July 2021


Interested suppliers should register their details using the below link.  Once registered, they can log in and access ITT/RFQ ref T21-002 – Evaluation of the Veteran Friendly Accreditation Programme.




[i] NHS Long Term Plan » Veterans and the Armed Forces

[ii] Mental Health and the Armed Forces, Part Two: The Provision of Care (parliament.uk)

[iii] 6.6856_MOD_Covenant-Annual-Report-2020_Full-Pages_A4_v16.1_web_3_.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)